[drats_users] Dprs question

Nate Duehr
Tue May 19 09:21:28 PDT 2009

On Tue, 19 May 2009 15:21:34 +0000, "Adam Karsin" <akarsin at verizon.net>
> Ok here is a question that I posted to another dstar group, but might
> also get some answers here. 
> I have a 91ad connected to a garmin gps45. Is there a place to track my
> movements without having to use drats? Don't get me wrong, I love drats,
> I just don't always have my laptop in my backpack!
> I heard that there are similar ways to aprs, but no tnc needed as the
> dstar technology handles that part. 

If the following conditions are met: 

- You plug a GPS into the rig appropriately.
- You set "GPS" mode as needed and configure the rig correctly.
- You're transmitting valid DPRS packets.
- You have your local Gateway callsign + G in your RPT2 field to route
to/through the Gateway machine.

All U.S. systems typically have javaAPRSd as modified by Pete AE5PL,
installed on them acting as one-way gateways of any valid DPRS data over
to the worldwide APRS server network.

Then... as someone pointed out, you can watch yourself on any of the
popular APRS websites, like APRS.fi for example.  My favorite due to it
using Google Maps with overlays for its "look and feel".

> If someone could walk me through the settings and send me a link to where
> I can view the map (or software needed) that would be great. If someone
> actually sees me moving around today let me know so I know its working. 

We would need to know what kind of rig you're operating and what kind of
GPS to even start to answer that question, right?

Nate WY0X
  Nate Duehr
  nate at natetech.com

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