[drats_users] [D-RATS] #73: D-RATS callsign field

D-RATS Tracker
Thu May 14 18:03:03 PDT 2009

#73: D-RATS callsign field
 Reporter:  VK3UR          |       Owner:  kk7ds  
     Type:  Task           |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  Functionality  |   Milestone:         
Component:  General        |     Version:  0.3.0b7
 Keywords:                 |    Platform:  Windows
 In looking at the Ratflector many people are currently entering callsigns
 that don't comply with the D-STAR protocols into the D-RATS callsign
 field.  Eg: VK3UR M (suffix in position 7, not 8), AA2BBB-M (insertion of
 the "-" character in position 7, instead of " "), use of 2 letter suffixes
 in positions 7 and 8.  They will currently work, with D-RATS, but don't
 follow the standards.

 Suggest limiting the callsign field to 6 characters (instead of the
 current 8) and adding a 1 character suffix field.

 When D-RATS processes a callsign it looks at the settings and if a suffix
 is specified add X number of spaces up to and including position 7 and the
 adds  the 1 character suffix to position 8.

 Limit the callsign and suffix fields to only allow alphanumeric characters
 and not special characters (eg: - / etc)

Ticket URL: <http://www.d-rats.com/trac/ticket/73>
D-RATS <http://www.d-rats.com/trac>
D-RATS Development

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