[drats_users] D-RATS Issue Tracking
David Tilson
Sat Mar 21 00:30:41 PDT 2009
G'day Dan,
> Do people want to try having the list cc'd on ticket news?
> Seriously, please chime in here if you have an opinion.
I'm happy to receive ticket news / updates via this list.
> > Assuming the pilot is successful, I hope we will also see this
> > available for CHIRP :)
> Sure, but I'll need to add some disk space to the server for
> all *your* tickets :)
Given Andy's challenge and my initial calculations, 1TB of additional
storage should be enough for the first few weeks. We can always get you
to add more if needed :)
If you haven't thought of it already, it may be worth adding the trac db
to your data backup regime as well.
The other neat thing about trac is that we will be able to ensure that
there are always at least a handful of Open tickets to prevent you from
having time to find another hobby :)
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