[drats_users] Auto QST

Arnold Harding
Sat Jun 13 13:27:28 PDT 2009

I've found being connected to the ratflector uses 50% of the processor 
every time I get disconnected (very often).  You are probably 
disconnected, so messages won't go.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Ewen" <jewen at shaw.ca>
To: "Discussion of D-RATS" <drats_users at lists.danplanet.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: [drats_users] Auto QST

> Okay, I'm just starting to play with the D-Rats software, and will
> have a bunch of silly questions, so bear with me.
> I already pestered Dan for some information on the Ratflector, but 
> now
> that I am playing even more, I want to know more.
> I have two instances of the software 0.3.0b10 running on the same
> machine, connected to the Ratflector for testing and learning. I'm
> using two different callsigns, because I suspect that there would be 
> a
> problem trying to only use one callsign.
> I have been able to send chat messages back and forth, and also sent
> forms back and forth with Dan.
> I decided to try playing with the Auto QST function. I'm thinking 
> that
> this should send automated beacons, so I set up a text QST on one
> instance with a rate of :30, and on the other with a rate of :15. I
> guessed that these rates should be in seconds, but I don't see
> anything being sent. Also, when I start them up, I get a bar that
> appears to be showing me how much longer the QSTs will be sent for. 
> My
> 15 second QST had a life of 33 minutes, and my 30 second QST had a
> life of 42 minutes.
> I'm down to 21 and 36 minutes remaining, and have not seen any QSTs. 
> I
> toggled the check mark and got a single beacon from each one, but
> nothing more.
> Hmm, also discovered that the programs ended up hogging all the CPU
> time.Each instance was using 50 percent of the CPU time available. 
> Had
> to kill them off.
> James
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