[drats_users] [D-RATS] #81: filter feature fails

D-RATS Tracker
Fri Jun 5 01:26:53 PDT 2009

#81: filter feature fails
 Reporter:  iz5fsa@…          |       Owner:  kk7ds  
     Type:  Bug               |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  Functionality     |   Milestone:         
Component:  General           |     Version:  0.3.0b9
 Keywords:                    |    Platform:  Linux  
 I've made a simple filter to separate the chat lines with "DX" word in
 them. If I am on the filter tab called DX I can filter correctly, if I
 stay on main chat tab, I can see *ALL* the chat lines and no "DX" lines
 are filtered to the "DX" tab.

 0.3.0b10 version (Dan, update the tab in trac)

Ticket URL: <http://www.d-rats.com/trac/ticket/81>
D-RATS <http://www.d-rats.com/trac>
D-RATS Development

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