[drats_users] Help Needed-found debug log
gordon dick
Sun Jan 25 12:12:29 PST 2009
Hi Dan:
Here's the debug log that I copied from the help icon
Enabled debug log
BeautifulSoup was not found. Geocoders assuming malformed markup will not work.
simplejson was not found. Geocoders relying on JSON parsing will not work.
FeedParser not available
FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\Gordo\Application Data\D-RATS\d-rats.config
Loading locale `en'
Locale dir is: .\locale
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Unable to load old log: ChatFilter instance has no attribute 'root'
Opened log: C:\Documents and Settings\Gordo\Application Data\D-RATS\logs\main.txt
Adding group Stations
Pane Height: 208
Set GPS units to Metric
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
FORMS: ['.\\forms\\default.xsl', '.\\forms\\email.xml', '.\\forms\\hics260.xml', '.\\forms\\hics260.xsl', '.\\forms\\ICS213_OR_WashCoARES.xml', '.\\forms\\ICS213_OR_WashCoARES.xsl', '.\\forms\\ICS213_US_OS.xml', '.\\forms\\ICS213_US_OS.xsl', '.\\forms\\memo.xml', '.\\forms\\radiogram.xml', '.\\forms\\radiogram.xsl'] (.)
User has form default.xsl
User has form email.xml
User has form hics260.xml
User has form hics260.xsl
User has form ICS213_OR_WashCoARES.xml
User has form ICS213_OR_WashCoARES.xsl
User has form ICS213_US_OS.xml
User has form ICS213_US_OS.xsl
User has form memo.xml
User has form radiogram.xml
User has form radiogram.xsl
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Set GPS units to Metric
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread ending
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `saturday' from VE7FKY to gomo2010 at mac.com
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.fleetwooddp.com:465
[SMTP] Error sending mail: Connection unexpectedly closed
Form ID: email
Got option Hospital Bed
Got option IV Pumps
Got option Isolette/Warmer
Got option Foley Catheter
Got option Gurney
Got option Oxygen
Got option Traction
Got option Halo-Device
Got option Wheel Chair
Got option Ventilator
Got option Monitor
Got option Cranial Bolt/Screw
Got option Ambulatory
Got option Chest Tube(s)
Got option A-Line/Swan
Got option IO Device
Form ID: hics260
Form ID: ICS213_OR_WashCoARES
Form ID: ICS213_US_OS
Form ID: memo
Form ID: radiogram
Form ID: email
Type: text
Type: text
Type: text
Type: multiline
Field type: text
Field XML: <field id='_auto_sender'>
<entry type='text'>VE7FKY</entry>
Field type: text
Field XML: <field id='recipient'>
<entry type='text'/>
Field type: text
Field XML: <field id='subject'>
<entry type='text'/>
Field type: multiline
Field XML: <field id='message'>
<entry type='multiline'/>
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Fetching 1/1
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com>: second test
Form ID: email
-> "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> does not match VE7FKY,Both,
-> "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> does not match VA7GJ,Both,
No match found
Not auto-sending "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> -> (no access rule)
Form ID: email
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `saturday' from VE7FKY to gomo2010 at mac.com
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.fleetwooddp.com:465
[SMTP] Error sending mail: Connection unexpectedly closed
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Set GPS units to Imperial
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread ending
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `saturday' from VE7FKY to gomo2010 at mac.com
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.fleetwooddp.com:465
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `second test' from "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> to
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.fleetwooddp.com:465
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
[SMTP] Error sending mail: Connection unexpectedly closed
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Set GPS units to Imperial
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread ending
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `saturday' from VE7FKY to gomo2010 at mac.com
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.mac.com:465
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `second test' from "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> to
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.mac.com:465
[SMTP] Error sending mail: Connection unexpectedly closed
[SMTP] Error sending mail: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Set GPS units to Imperial
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread ending
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `second test' from "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> to
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to mail.mac.com:587
[SMTP] Error sending mail: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
[SMTP] Error sending mail: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
Setting LatLon value: 49.175200
LatLon text: 49.175200
Setting LatLon value: -122.898200
LatLon text: -122.898200
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Setting incoming_email_0: pop.gmail.com,ve7fky at gmail.com,jennifer1,5,True,995,Form
Setting email_access_0: VE7FKY,Both,
Setting email_access_1: VA7GJ,Both,
Set GPS units to Imperial
New data path: ('COM4', 38400)
Software XON/XOFF control initialized
Serial exception on connect: could not open port COM4: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
COMM did not connect: Unable to open serial port
GPS: False on @4800
Static position: 49.175200,-122.898200
Failed to register session CB: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'register_session_cb'
Refresh listeners: {}
Done with sessiongui refresh
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread ending
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Thread starting
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
Form ID: email
Checking _auto_sender for _auto_sender
Checking _auto_sender for recipient
Checking recipient for recipient
Checking _auto_sender for subject
Checking recipient for subject
Checking subject for subject
Checking _auto_sender for message
Checking recipient for message
Checking subject for message
Checking message for message
[SMTP] Preparing to send `second test' from "Fleetwooddp" <ve7fky at fleetwooddp.com> to
[SMTP] Sending mail...
[SMTP] Connecting to me.com:587
[SMTP] Error sending mail: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Failed to retrieve messages: (11001, 'getaddrinfo failed')
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
[MAIL ve7fky at gmail.com@pop.gmail.com] Querying pop.gmail.com:995
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