[drats_users] D-RATS 0.2.10

Mon Feb 16 09:00:38 PST 2009

Dan Smith ha scritto:
>> drwxr-xr-x 4 leo root  4096 2009-02-16 06:49 build
> All of these files are still owned by you.  Some have *group*
> affiliation with root's group, but they still belong to you.  I'm not
> sure why you can't delete them through the GUI (because you have
> permission to do so) but at the very least, you should be able to do the
> following:
>   rm -Rf d-rats-0.2.10
> Alternately, you can run the build and install separately:
>   python setup.py build
>   sudo python setup.py install
This may be a nice *install* script for every linux user... make it easy...

> The "build" process is run by "install" if it hasn't already been done,
> and it writes out some files (which if you do it as root, are
> group-owned by root).  However, if you run the build as yourself, these
> intermediate files will be owned wholly by you, and then running install
> as root will just move them to the appropriate places on the system.

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