[drats_users] Linux Fedora and Ubuntu Packages for Beta Version 0.3.2b8 Available Now

Mike Heitmann
Fri Dec 18 08:07:46 PST 2009


For Linux Fedora 11 and 12, or Ubuntu users: The latest beta version (0.3.2b8) of d-rats is now available in the Yum (Fedora) and Apt (Ubuntu) software repositories on d-rats.com.  If you're already setup to use the repositories the beta versions should be available for download. To set up the repositories, please follow the instructions below:

Fedora 11 & 12 users - instructions to set up the d-rats.com Yum repository are found here:

Ubuntu Karmic and Intrepid - users instructions to set up the d-rats.com Apt repository are found here:
To also add the Beta repository, set up the Release repository first, then repeat the setup procedure and substitute:
deb http://d-rats.com/apt karmic beta
for the APT line.

Once you have the repositories setup, you should pick up the new beta releases automatically.

Merry Christmas, and Happy Beta Testing!

Mike, N0SO

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