[drats_users] localhost connection 0.3.0 CentOS 5
Sun Aug 9 08:34:24 PDT 2009
Ok I reinstalled 0.3.0
ddt_block_outlimit = 4.0
encoding = yenc
socket_pw =
pop3_usessl = False
inports = []
gpsenabled = False
pop3_interval = 10.0
gpsportspeed = 4800
smtp_tls = False
mapdir = /root/.d-rats/maps
force_delay = 0.0
port = net:localhost:9000
warmup_timeout = 3.0
pop3_password =
gpsport =
compression = True
pop3_port =
smtp_dogw = False
smtp_port = 25
smtp_server =
ddt_block_size = 512.0
warmup_length = 8.0
outports = []
pipelinexfers = True
smtp_username =
pop3_server =
sockflush = 0.5
smtp_password =
sniff_packets = True
aprssymtab = /
pop3_username =
xfer = DDT
msg_flush = 60
aprssymbol = >
smtp_replyto =
rate = 9600
msg_forward = False
map_tile_ttl = 720
compatmode = True
ping_info = Have a D-Star day
files =
chat =
messages_enabled = False
messages =
chat_recv_enabled = False
files_enabled = False
chat_enabled = False
ports_0 = True,net:localhost:9000,,True,True,localhost
content = ON D-RATS
freq = 60
type = GPS-A
enabled = False
events_sort = 1
status_msg = Online (D-RATS)
show_all_filter = False
connected_inet = False
qsts_enabled = True
main_advanced = 370
filters = []
sidepane_visible = True
main_size_y = 570
main_size_x = 675
main_maximized = False
name = Adrian
altitude = 100.0
longitude = 152.979600
units = Imperial
callsign = VK4TUX
latitude = -27.867800
content = http://rss.weather.com.au/qld/brisbane
freq = 30
type = RSS
enabled = False
form_default_private = False
signoff = 73 from VK4TUX
eolstrip = True
useutc = False
blink_chat = True
allow_remote_forms = False
font = Sans 12
logresume = True
allow_remote_files = False
dosignon = True
dosignoff = True
ignorecolor = #bb88bb88bb88
autoreceive = False
blink_event = False
signon = VK4TUX QRZ
outgoingcolor = #dddd44441111
restore_stations = True
blink_messages = True
download_dir = /root/download
callsigncolor = #ffdd99cc77cc
debuglog = False
noticere =
ignorere =
chat_showstatus = True
scrollback = 1024.0
brokencolor = #ffffffff3333
incomingcolor = #00004444ffff
blink_files = True
language = English
blinkmsg = False
noticecolor = #0000660011dd
callsigns = [(True, 'US'), (True, 'Canada'), (True, 'Australia')]
chat_timestamp = True
logenabled = False
content = ON D-RATS
freq = 30
type = GPS
enabled = False
content = d-rats-0.3.0b10 Hub; Brisbane Weather RSS feed reported every
half hour.
freq = 20
type = Text
enabled = False
configuration here before saving to see result;
Saved d-rats pref, with repeater on, accepting on 9000, but no
connection from d-rats comms;
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