[drats_users] Status

Arnold Harding
Sun Apr 26 08:34:56 PDT 2009

>> b) Both D-RATS computer's Chat windows are filled with "Now Online:
>> Online (D-RATS)".  It seems as if it must be part of the handshake,
>> but it doesn't seem necessary in the Chat window (unless it was
>> already decided to do it that way).
> Yep, I don't like it either, but I know that a certain group of 
> people
> will want to see it there because they're very used to it in 0.2.
> What you're seeing is me moving the "online" and "offline" messages
> from being regular chat traffic to being status advertisements. 
> This
> is nice because it helps keep the stations list up to date.  It's
> *also* nice because now you can go into preferences under "chat" and
> say you don't want to see those :)
> If you disable that, you'll still get status updates from people, 
> but
> you won't get all the messages in the chat window about it.
I think you mean the "Show Status Updates" check box.  The status 
isn't changing.  I'd like to see updates (changes to status) also, but 
every message I see is the same.  It's not an update.  Is that the 
right button?

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