[drats_users] [D-RATS] #28: Maps don't appear to be loading / displaying correctly.

David Tilson
Tue Apr 14 17:42:54 PDT 2009

G'day Dan,

>  The status bar is indicating a completed map load.  If there 
> was any  remaining, there would be text over the bar 
> indicating the remaining  percentage.  Also, if there was a 
> tile missing or unloaded, you should see  a "NO DATA" tile in 
> its place (new in 0.3).

It was interesting as it originally wasn't showing the percentage or
other info.
>  This means that the tiles (from the map server) you have are 
> just missing  that bit of road.  It appears that more recent 
> map data has it fixed, so  you might want to flush your cache 
> and re-load the affected area.  If I  punch in your lat/lon 
> into my D-RATS map, I get a consistent view.  Example 
> screenshot attached.

Flushing the cache was also interesting.  It appeared as though D-RATS
had hung when I confirmed that I wanted to clear the cache.  Windows was
reporting that D-RATS was not responding, but in the processes window I
could see that there was a bit of activity.  The problem was that I had
in excess of 150,000 map tiles that were being cleared and took approx
20 minutes to clear.  FWIW, I had previously loaded a lot of VK3 in high
res map tiles.

Once the cache had cleared D-RATS happily loaded the new map tiles,
which interestingly contained a lot more detail for my area than those
that had been originally loaded.

What I did notice though, was that when I double clicked on a station,
to center it for the first time, the percentage status indicated
considerably less than 100% (even though the map detail looked fine).
As soon as I double clicked on the station for a second time the map
load status then went to 100%.  

I also noticed that when you do a mouse over a particular station, that
is still in the cache from a previous session, that the Last Updated
date/time displayed is when the current D-RATS was started and not when
it was originally received.

Thanks again,

Davidt, VK3UR

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