[drats_users] Help Sitting Up D-Rats

Joe Ivey
Thu Apr 9 12:30:43 PDT 2009



Can someone give me some pointers on sitting up D-Rats? I thing I have it
working but not real sure?

I am trying to set up our club station to use D-Rats. I have the cable and
all and I know that I am

transmitting, I just don't know if I am receiving. I tried sending CQ using
"chat" but did not receive

a reply. I know that is not unusual.

Here is my setup:

Radio: IC2820

Data cable: Homebrew.

Computer: Laptop Toshiba 

O/S Windows Vista

Software: D-Rats ver. .3.0


Location of station: Athens, Al Limestone County

Call used N4SEV


My closes D-Star repeater is in Huntsville, Al KI4PPF.

I do not have D-Star at my home location


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


Joe, W4JSI, Limestone County, Al. EC





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