[drats_users] Asus Eeee PC dRats install

Dan Smith
Tue Sep 30 10:51:42 PDT 2008

> Ever since I setup D-rats on CentOS 5 some months ago, I found that 
> pyserial was not available from
> Yumex (Every repository available to suit fitted).

Is this related to the EeePC thread you replied to, or is it a different 

> Using 0.2.7b2
> [root at localhost ~]# cd 
> /root/download/D-Star/d-rats-linux2/d-rats-0.2.7b2/d_rats
> [root at localhost d_rats]# ./repeater.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./repeater.py", line 32, in ?
>     from d_rats.comm import SWFSerial
> ImportError: No module named d_rats.comm
> [root at localhost d_rats]#
> 0.1.20 ver repeater works ok for me with everything else, and I know of 
> no update to it I´m missing.

This is because you're running the repeater.py inside the module 
directory.  I didn't realize until you pointed this out that I actually 
haven't been properly including the mapdownloader and repeater 
extra-module launchers in the tarballs.  I'll try to remember to fix 
that up before the next beta post.


Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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