[drats_users] Asus PC and dRats beta 4 and on....

Jim Harris
Sat Oct 4 14:06:03 PDT 2008

Hello Dan.

I tried to download and run Beta 4 on my Asus and it won't run. It looks
like it is looking for hashlib and can't find it. Attached is the history
file of the run. I also tried it with beta 5...same result. Beta 3 worked

On a positive note...I did some fairly extensive testing here yesterday with
the Beta 3 on the Asus and it has been working well. In particular, I was
testing some of the file transfers. Another local ENCOMM  guy and myself
have been testing a lot of different scenarios through our local DStar
repeaters and have been putting it through its paces, with pretty good

I am looking forward to working with the email end of the program, as that
is a very common way we handle some of our traffic here during service

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