[drats_users] CHAT TOO LONG

Mon Nov 24 10:05:10 PST 2008

Dan Smith ha scritto:
>> I've seen that if I chat with a string longer then (about) 20 characters other 
>> stations receive "raw unformatted text" on their D-RATS.
> I tend to think that this is just luck, given that a longer string has
> more exposure for corruption than a shorter one.  I'm definitely not
> seeing this with the 0.2.8b7 and I have been doing a fair bit of testing
> on it with local people in the last week.

No, I confirm that chat strings longer then 40 characters are not sent.
The time RTX remain in TX is lower than a little message like "QRZ???".
I'm on latest beta.

73s de Leo, IZ5FSA

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