[drats_users] GPS Question

Adam Karsin
Fri Dec 12 06:07:59 PST 2008

First I'd like to say I am a new DSTAR user and just learned of D-RATS on
Wednesday. Much thanks to Cameron K4ACB for his "tech support" last evening
helping me get the basics set up.

Here is what I am trying to do; I have Microsoft Streets and Trips with the
USB GPS. Using this I'd like to interface with the IC91AD to be able to push
my location out. I figure that I will not be able to run S&T at the same
time because of the port usage, but that is ok. The map with D-RATS is quite
detailed and I would not see a need to run both programs at the same time.

Any thoughts are appreciated!! And of course, if this is not possible are
there any suggestions to a decent GPS that will interface and not cost as
much as the radio!!??

Thanks and 73,

Clearwater, FL

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