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</head><body><p>There's no problem with Chirp.</p><p>It's Microsoft that should provide the guide for those that don't know how to install a Windows program.</p><p><br></p><blockquote type="cite">On 09 February 2019 at 14:40 Scott Raines <TRUCK28ENG@live.com> wrote: </blockquote><p><br></p><blockquote type="cite"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt;">Chirp should make a trouble shooting section that deals with difficulty in loading its program to new users</span><div dir="ltr" style="font-family: 'Calibri', 'Segoe UI', 'Meiryo', 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Malgun Gothic', 'sans-serif'; font-size: 12pt;"><div style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px;">I definitely appreciate you trying to help here. I’ll keep trying.</div></div></blockquote><p><br></p><div class="io-ox-signature"><p>Nigel A. Gunn, 1865 El Camino Drive, Xenia, OH 45385-1115, USA. tel +1 937 825 5032<br>Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF and GMRS WRBV701, e-mail nigel@ngunn.net www http://www.ngunn.net <br><br></p></div></body></html>