# Copyright 2013 Dan Smith # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import struct import logging from chirp import chirp_common, directory, bitwise, memmap, errors, util from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \ RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \ RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueString, \ RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings from textwrap import dedent LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) mem_format = """ struct memory { lbcd freq[4]; lbcd offset[4]; u8 unknown1:2, txpol:1, rxpol:1, compander:1, unknown2:3; u8 rxtone; u8 txtone; u8 pttid:1, scanadd:1, isnarrow:1, bcl:1, highpower:1, revfreq:1, duplex:2; u8 step; u8 unknown[3]; }; #seekto 0x0000; char ident[32]; u8 blank[16]; struct memory vfo1; struct memory channels[99]; #seekto 0x0850; struct memory vfo2; #seekto 0x09D0; u16 fm_presets[16]; #seekto 0x0A30; struct { u8 name[5]; } names[99]; #seekto 0x0D30; struct { u8 squelch; u8 freqmode_ab:1, save_funct:1, backlight:1, beep_tone_disabled:1, roger:1, tdr:1, scantype:2; u8 language:1, workmode_b:1, workmode_a:1, workmode_fm:1, voice_prompt:1, fm:1, pttid:2; u8 unknown_0:5, timeout:3; u8 mdf_b:2, mdf_a:2, unknown_1:2, txtdr:2; u8 unknown_2:4, ste_disabled:1, unknown_3:2, sidetone:1; u8 vox; u8 unk1; u8 mem_chan_a; u16 fm_vfo; u8 unk4; u8 unk5; u8 mem_chan_b; u8 unk6; u8 last_menu; // number of last menu item accessed } settings; #seekto 0x0D50; struct { u8 code[6]; } pttid; #seekto 0x0F30; struct { lbcd lower_vhf[2]; lbcd upper_vhf[2]; lbcd lower_uhf[2]; lbcd upper_uhf[2]; } limits; #seekto 0x0FF0; struct { u8 vhfsquelch0; u8 vhfsquelch1; u8 vhfsquelch2; u8 vhfsquelch3; u8 vhfsquelch4; u8 vhfsquelch5; u8 vhfsquelch6; u8 vhfsquelch7; u8 vhfsquelch8; u8 vhfsquelch9; u8 unknown1[6]; u8 uhfsquelch0; u8 uhfsquelch1; u8 uhfsquelch2; u8 uhfsquelch3; u8 uhfsquelch4; u8 uhfsquelch5; u8 uhfsquelch6; u8 uhfsquelch7; u8 uhfsquelch8; u8 uhfsquelch9; u8 unknown2[6]; u8 vhfhipwr0; u8 vhfhipwr1; u8 vhfhipwr2; u8 vhfhipwr3; u8 vhfhipwr4; u8 vhfhipwr5; u8 vhfhipwr6; u8 vhfhipwr7; u8 vhflopwr0; u8 vhflopwr1; u8 vhflopwr2; u8 vhflopwr3; u8 vhflopwr4; u8 vhflopwr5; u8 vhflopwr6; u8 vhflopwr7; u8 uhfhipwr0; u8 uhfhipwr1; u8 uhfhipwr2; u8 uhfhipwr3; u8 uhfhipwr4; u8 uhfhipwr5; u8 uhfhipwr6; u8 uhfhipwr7; u8 uhflopwr0; u8 uhflopwr1; u8 uhflopwr2; u8 uhflopwr3; u8 uhflopwr4; u8 uhflopwr5; u8 uhflopwr6; u8 uhflopwr7; } test; """ def do_ident(radio): radio.pipe.setTimeout(3) temp = radio.pipe.read(1) radio.pipe.write("PROGRAM") ack = radio.pipe.read(1) if ack != '\x06': raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not ack programming mode") radio.pipe.write("\x02") ident = radio.pipe.read(8) LOG.debug(util.hexprint(ident)) if not ident.startswith('HKT511'): raise errors.RadioError("Unsupported model") radio.pipe.write("\x06") ack = radio.pipe.read(1) if ack != "\x06": raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not ack ident") def do_status(radio, direction, addr): status = chirp_common.Status() status.msg = "Cloning %s radio" % direction status.cur = addr status.max = 0x1000 radio.status_fn(status) def do_download(radio): do_ident(radio) data = "KT511 Radio Program data v1.08\x00\x00" data += ("\x00" * 16) firstack = None for i in range(0, 0x1000, 16): frame = struct.pack(">cHB", "R", i, 16) radio.pipe.write(frame) result = radio.pipe.read(20) if frame[1:4] != result[1:4]: LOG.debug(util.hexprint(result)) raise errors.RadioError("Invalid response for address 0x%04x" % i) radio.pipe.write("\x06") ack = radio.pipe.read(1) if not firstack: firstack = ack else: if not ack == firstack: LOG.debug("first ack: %s ack received: %s", util.hexprint(firstack), util.hexprint(ack)) raise errors.RadioError("Unexpected response") data += result[4:] do_status(radio, "from", i) return memmap.MemoryMap(data) def do_upload(radio): do_ident(radio) data = radio._mmap[0x0030:] for i in range(0, 0x1000, 16): frame = struct.pack(">cHB", "W", i, 16) frame += data[i:i + 16] radio.pipe.write(frame) ack = radio.pipe.read(1) if ack != "\x06": raise errors.RadioError("Radio NAK'd block at address 0x%04x" % i) do_status(radio, "to", i) DUPLEX = ["", "-", "+", 'off', "split"] UVB5_STEPS = [5.00, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 20.0, 25.0] CHARSET = "0123456789- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/_+*" SPECIALS = { "VFO1": -2, "VFO2": -1, } POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=1), chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=5)] @directory.register class BaofengUVB5(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio, chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio): """Baofeng UV-B5""" VENDOR = "Baofeng" MODEL = "UV-B5" BAUD_RATE = 9600 _memsize = 0x1000 @classmethod def get_prompts(cls): rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts() rp.experimental = \ ('This version of the UV-B5 driver allows you to ' 'modify the Test Mode settings of your radio. This has been ' 'tested and reports from other users indicate that it is a ' 'safe thing to do. However, modifications to these values may ' 'have unintended consequences, including damage to your ' 'device. You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk!') rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\ 1. Turn radio off. 2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector. 3. Make sure connector is firmly connected. 4. Turn radio on. 5. Ensure that the radio is tuned to channel with no activity. 6. Click OK to download image from device.""")) rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\ 1. Turn radio off. 2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector. 3. Make sure connector is firmly connected. 4. Turn radio on. 5. Ensure that the radio is tuned to channel with no activity. 6. Click OK to upload image to device.""")) return rp def get_features(self): rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures() rf.has_settings = True rf.has_cross = True rf.has_rx_dtcs = True rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"] rf.valid_cross_modes = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS", "DTCS->Tone", "->Tone", "->DTCS", "DTCS->", "DTCS->DTCS"] rf.valid_duplexes = DUPLEX rf.can_odd_split = True rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"] rf.valid_characters = CHARSET rf.valid_name_length = 5 rf.valid_bands = [(130000000, 175000000), (220000000, 269000000), (400000000, 520000000)] rf.valid_modes = ["FM", "NFM"] rf.valid_special_chans = SPECIALS.keys() rf.valid_power_levels = POWER_LEVELS rf.has_ctone = True rf.has_bank = False rf.has_tuning_step = False rf.memory_bounds = (1, 99) return rf def sync_in(self): try: self._mmap = do_download(self) except errors.RadioError: raise except Exception, e: raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e) self.process_mmap() def sync_out(self): try: do_upload(self) except errors.RadioError: raise except Exception, e: raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e) def process_mmap(self): self._memobj = bitwise.parse(mem_format, self._mmap) def get_raw_memory(self, number): return repr(self._memobj.channels[number - 1]) def _decode_tone(self, value, flag): if value > 155: mode = val = pol = None elif value > 50: mode = 'DTCS' val = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[value - 51] pol = flag and 'R' or 'N' elif value: mode = 'Tone' val = chirp_common.TONES[value - 1] pol = None else: mode = val = pol = None return mode, val, pol def _encode_tone(self, _mem, which, mode, val, pol): def _set(field, value): setattr(_mem, "%s%s" % (which, field), value) _set("pol", 0) if mode == "Tone": _set("tone", chirp_common.TONES.index(val) + 1) elif mode == "DTCS": _set("tone", chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(val) + 51) _set("pol", pol == "R") else: _set("tone", 0) def _get_memobjs(self, number): if isinstance(number, str): return (getattr(self._memobj, number.lower()), None) elif number < 0: for k, v in SPECIALS.items(): if number == v: return (getattr(self._memobj, k.lower()), None) else: return (self._memobj.channels[number - 1], self._memobj.names[number - 1].name) def get_memory(self, number): _mem, _nam = self._get_memobjs(number) mem = chirp_common.Memory() if isinstance(number, str): mem.number = SPECIALS[number] mem.extd_number = number else: mem.number = number if _mem.freq.get_raw()[0] == "\xFF": mem.empty = True return mem mem.freq = int(_mem.freq) * 10 mem.offset = int(_mem.offset) * 10 chirp_common.split_tone_decode( mem, self._decode_tone(_mem.txtone, _mem.txpol), self._decode_tone(_mem.rxtone, _mem.rxpol)) if _mem.step > 0x05: _mem.step = 0x00 mem.duplex = DUPLEX[_mem.duplex] mem.mode = _mem.isnarrow and "NFM" or "FM" mem.skip = "" if _mem.scanadd else "S" mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[_mem.highpower] if mem.freq == mem.offset and mem.duplex == "-": mem.duplex = "off" mem.offset = 0 if _nam: for char in _nam: try: mem.name += CHARSET[char] except IndexError: break mem.name = mem.name.rstrip() mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra") rs = RadioSetting("bcl", "BCL", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.bcl)) mem.extra.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("revfreq", "Reverse Duplex", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.revfreq)) mem.extra.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("pttid", "PTT ID", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.pttid)) mem.extra.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("compander", "Compander", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.compander)) mem.extra.append(rs) return mem def set_memory(self, mem): _mem, _nam = self._get_memobjs(mem.number) if mem.empty: if _nam is None: raise errors.InvalidValueError("VFO channels can not be empty") _mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 16) return if _mem.get_raw() == ("\xFF" * 16): _mem.set_raw("\x00" * 13 + "\xFF" * 3) _mem.freq = mem.freq / 10 if mem.duplex == "off": _mem.duplex = DUPLEX.index("-") _mem.offset = _mem.freq elif mem.duplex == "split": diff = mem.offset - mem.freq _mem.duplex = DUPLEX.index("-") if diff < 0 else DUPLEX.index("+") _mem.offset = abs(diff) / 10 else: _mem.offset = mem.offset / 10 _mem.duplex = DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex) tx, rx = chirp_common.split_tone_encode(mem) self._encode_tone(_mem, 'tx', *tx) self._encode_tone(_mem, 'rx', *rx) _mem.isnarrow = mem.mode == "NFM" _mem.scanadd = mem.skip == "" _mem.highpower = mem.power == POWER_LEVELS[1] if _nam: for i in range(0, 5): try: _nam[i] = CHARSET.index(mem.name[i]) except IndexError: _nam[i] = 0xFF for setting in mem.extra: setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value) def get_settings(self): _settings = self._memobj.settings basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings") group = RadioSettings(basic) options = ["Time", "Carrier", "Search"] rs = RadioSetting("scantype", "Scan Type", RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.scantype])) basic.append(rs) options = ["Off"] + ["%s min" % x for x in range(1, 8)] rs = RadioSetting("timeout", "Time Out Timer", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.timeout])) basic.append(rs) options = ["A", "B"] rs = RadioSetting("freqmode_ab", "Frequency Mode", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.freqmode_ab])) basic.append(rs) options = ["Frequency Mode", "Channel Mode"] rs = RadioSetting("workmode_a", "Radio Work Mode(A)", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.workmode_a])) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("workmode_b", "Radio Work Mode(B)", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.workmode_b])) basic.append(rs) options = ["Frequency", "Name", "Channel"] rs = RadioSetting("mdf_a", "Display Format(F1)", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.mdf_a])) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("mdf_b", "Display Format(F2)", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.mdf_b])) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("mem_chan_a", "Mem Channel (A)", RadioSettingValueInteger( 1, 99, _settings.mem_chan_a)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("mem_chan_b", "Mem Channel (B)", RadioSettingValueInteger( 1, 99, _settings.mem_chan_b)) basic.append(rs) options = ["Off", "BOT", "EOT", "Both"] rs = RadioSetting("pttid", "PTT-ID", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.pttid])) basic.append(rs) dtmfchars = "0123456789ABCD*#" _codeobj = self._memobj.pttid.code _code = "".join([dtmfchars[x] for x in _codeobj if int(x) < 0x1F]) val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 6, _code, False) val.set_charset(dtmfchars) rs = RadioSetting("pttid.code", "PTT-ID Code", val) def apply_code(setting, obj): code = [] for j in range(0, 6): try: code.append(dtmfchars.index(str(setting.value)[j])) except IndexError: code.append(0xFF) obj.code = code rs.set_apply_callback(apply_code, self._memobj.pttid) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("squelch", "Squelch Level", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _settings.squelch)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("vox", "VOX Level", RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _settings.vox)) basic.append(rs) options = ["Frequency Mode", "Channel Mode"] rs = RadioSetting("workmode_fm", "FM Work Mode", RadioSettingValueList( options, options[_settings.workmode_fm])) basic.append(rs) options = ["Current Frequency", "F1 Frequency", "F2 Frequency"] rs = RadioSetting("txtdr", "Dual Standby TX Priority", RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.txtdr])) basic.append(rs) options = ["English", "Chinese"] rs = RadioSetting("language", "Language", RadioSettingValueList(options, options[_settings.language])) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("tdr", "Dual Standby", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.tdr)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("roger", "Roger Beep", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.roger)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("backlight", "Backlight", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.backlight)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("save_funct", "Save Mode", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.save_funct)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("fm", "FM Function", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.fm)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("beep_tone_disabled", "Beep Prompt", RadioSettingValueBoolean( not _settings.beep_tone_disabled)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("voice_prompt", "Voice Prompt", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.voice_prompt)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("sidetone", "DTMF Side Tone", RadioSettingValueBoolean(_settings.sidetone)) basic.append(rs) rs = RadioSetting("ste_disabled", "Squelch Tail Eliminate", RadioSettingValueBoolean(not _settings.ste_disabled)) basic.append(rs) _limit = int(self._memobj.limits.lower_vhf) / 10 rs = RadioSetting("limits.lower_vhf", "VHF Lower Limit (MHz)", RadioSettingValueInteger(128, 270, _limit)) def apply_limit(setting, obj): value = int(setting.value) * 10 obj.lower_vhf = value rs.set_apply_callback(apply_limit, self._memobj.limits) basic.append(rs) _limit = int(self._memobj.limits.upper_vhf) / 10 rs = RadioSetting("limits.upper_vhf", "VHF Upper Limit (MHz)", RadioSettingValueInteger(128, 270, _limit)) def apply_limit(setting, obj): value = int(setting.value) * 10 obj.upper_vhf = value rs.set_apply_callback(apply_limit, self._memobj.limits) basic.append(rs) _limit = int(self._memobj.limits.lower_uhf) / 10 rs = RadioSetting("limits.lower_uhf", "UHF Lower Limit (MHz)", RadioSettingValueInteger(400, 520, _limit)) def apply_limit(setting, obj): value = int(setting.value) * 10 obj.lower_uhf = value rs.set_apply_callback(apply_limit, self._memobj.limits) basic.append(rs) _limit = int(self._memobj.limits.upper_uhf) / 10 rs = RadioSetting("limits.upper_uhf", "UHF Upper Limit (MHz)", RadioSettingValueInteger(400, 520, _limit)) def apply_limit(setting, obj): value = int(setting.value) * 10 obj.upper_uhf = value rs.set_apply_callback(apply_limit, self._memobj.limits) basic.append(rs) fm_preset = RadioSettingGroup("fm_preset", "FM Radio Presets") group.append(fm_preset) for i in range(0, 16): if self._memobj.fm_presets[i] < 0x01AF: used = True preset = self._memobj.fm_presets[i] / 10.0 + 65 else: used = False preset = 65 rs = RadioSetting("fm_presets_%1i" % i, "FM Preset %i" % (i + 1), RadioSettingValueBoolean(used), RadioSettingValueFloat(65, 108, preset, 0.1, 1)) fm_preset.append(rs) testmode = RadioSettingGroup("testmode", "Test Mode Settings") group.append(testmode) vhfdata = ["136-139", "140-144", "145-149", "150-154", "155-159", "160-164", "165-169", "170-174"] uhfdata = ["400-409", "410-419", "420-429", "430-439", "440-449", "450-459", "460-469", "470-479"] powernamedata = ["Hi", "Lo"] powerkeydata = ["hipwr", "lopwr"] for power in range(0, 2): for index in range(0, 8): key = "test.vhf%s%i" % (powerkeydata[power], index) name = "%s Mhz %s Power" % (vhfdata[index], powernamedata[power]) rs = RadioSetting( key, name, RadioSettingValueInteger( 0, 255, getattr( self._memobj.test, "vhf%s%i" % (powerkeydata[power], index)))) testmode.append(rs) for power in range(0, 2): for index in range(0, 8): key = "test.uhf%s%i" % (powerkeydata[power], index) name = "%s Mhz %s Power" % (uhfdata[index], powernamedata[power]) rs = RadioSetting( key, name, RadioSettingValueInteger( 0, 255, getattr( self._memobj.test, "uhf%s%i" % (powerkeydata[power], index)))) testmode.append(rs) for band in ["vhf", "uhf"]: for index in range(0, 10): key = "test.%ssquelch%i" % (band, index) name = "%s Squelch %i" % (band.upper(), index) rs = RadioSetting( key, name, RadioSettingValueInteger( 0, 255, getattr( self._memobj.test, "%ssquelch%i" % (band, index)))) testmode.append(rs) return group def set_settings(self, settings): _settings = self._memobj.settings for element in settings: if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting): if element.get_name() == "fm_preset": self._set_fm_preset(element) else: self.set_settings(element) continue else: try: name = element.get_name() if "." in name: bits = name.split(".") obj = self._memobj for bit in bits[:-1]: if "/" in bit: bit, index = bit.split("/", 1) index = int(index) obj = getattr(obj, bit)[index] else: obj = getattr(obj, bit) setting = bits[-1] else: obj = _settings setting = element.get_name() if element.has_apply_callback(): LOG.debug("Using apply callback") element.run_apply_callback() elif setting == "beep_tone_disabled": setattr(obj, setting, not int(element.value)) elif setting == "ste_disabled": setattr(obj, setting, not int(element.value)) else: LOG.debug("Setting %s = %s" % (setting, element.value)) setattr(obj, setting, element.value) except Exception, e: LOG.debug(element.get_name()) raise def _set_fm_preset(self, settings): for element in settings: try: index = (int(element.get_name().split("_")[-1])) val = element.value if val[0].get_value(): value = int(val[1].get_value() * 10 - 650) else: value = 0x01AF LOG.debug("Setting fm_presets[%1i] = %s" % (index, value)) setting = self._memobj.fm_presets setting[index] = value except Exception, e: LOG.debug(element.get_name()) raise @classmethod def match_model(cls, filedata, filename): return (filedata.startswith("KT511 Radio Program data") and len(filedata) == (cls._memsize + 0x30))