[chirp_users] Recommended radio for adding to chirp

Ernesto Xload
Sun Feb 21 02:27:23 PST 2021

Hello Eric,

You con program your Retevis H777 and H777s with chirp just selecting
Baofeng BF-888 radio.

Chirp is available for Windows and OS X platforms at

Best regards

El dom, 21 feb 2021 a las 9:55, Eric Oyen via chirp_users (<
chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>) escribió:

> Hello users and devs.
> I recently acquired some new radios. These are definitely for the prepper
> set (as I am one besides being a ham).
> The radio is the Retevus H-777 and it’s little brother, the H-777s. Both
> are programmable using a standard 2 pin kenwood style programming cable. I
> recently asked for assistance from that company because their in house
> software had some issues that prevented it working with my screen reader
> (much like your package which has the same issues btw). However, with a bit
> of visual assistance, I was able to reprogram these radios for the 70cm ham
> band. Now, I gave that company the primary web site and asked if they would
> send over the data and let you guys have a whack at it. Maybe they will and
> maybe they won’t. If they do, then you know who to thank for it.
> On another matter, I am going to ask this again, are you guys ever going
> to make your package properly screen reader accessible on either the
> windows or OS X platforms? I know it is on Linux, but then, I am a techie.
> However, there are many blind or visually impaired hams out there (as well
> as others in the GMRS, FRS and other communities) that aren’t and have to
> depend on outside people to program their equipment. Now, I know all the
> excuses, including complexity of coding, etc. However, there are code
> snippets and libraries available that can be incorprated into the primary
> CHIRP program without too much difficulty. Lord knows, I’ve done enough
> reading on it. However, I have no experience in coding, so it would be
> inappropriate to ask me to fork the project just to add this functionality.
> Now, I will probably hear from more than a few of you stating that I
> represent a “niche market”. That may have been true 20 years ago, but not
> anymore. Our numbers are growing and we are appearing in more communities.
> Now, far be it for me to point this out, but seriously, wouldn’t you want
> to be on board with the Woke Train here, touting your software package as
> diversity and inclusive compliant? It would certainly make your package
> more appealing than it already is. Of course, if you don’t want to be
> inclusive or exercise some action toward diversity, that is your decision.
> In any case, I thought I would point this out.
> Anyway, I hope that company I wrote to sends you the data to add the H777
> and it’s cousin the H777s to you to add it to the supported radios matrix.
> Oh, and if you want to experiment with a set, they can be had for cheap on
> amazon (about $35 for a pair of the H-777s radios).
> Thank you,
> DE n7zzt Eric
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