[chirp_users] New Daily Build

Build System
Thu Oct 8 07:01:43 PDT 2020


A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #633
[Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>] [UV-5R] Add support for XXX.XXX Work Mode Offsets

The original UV-5R only supported VFO offsets up to 69.95 MHz. Current models
support VFO offsets up to 999.999 MHz. This patch expands the Work Mode
Settings VFO A/B Offset settings to match the range of the current models.

fixes #6719

[Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com>] [TI-F8+] Add support for TechSide TI-F8+

This patch adds support for the TechSide TI-F8+ (variant of Baofeng BF-F8HP)

related to #8187

[Kosta A. <ve7kcy at gmail.com>] [FT-60] Correct characterset to match radio segment display chars. Fixes #8189

[Rick DeWitt <aa0rd at yahoo.com>] [ic2730] Tone modes now CHIRP-compliant. Issue #8233
Adds full Cross mode tone>tone for rtcs/ctcs/dtcs

Changes for Build #634

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