[chirp_users] Insert Above or Below

Jim Unroe
Fri Jan 3 15:46:00 PST 2020

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 6:23 PM Dave Hartman <ac2gl.dave at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been having trouble inserting a line above or below the selected line.
> Is it just my stupidity or is this an issue for others?
> --
> Dave - AC2GL
> All typing errors are my own work and subject to copyright laws, except
> errors by the spell checker which generated by Artificial Ignorance (AI)

Hi Dave,

I'm not 100% certain. but think there has always been an elusive bug
with "Insert Line Above" and "Insert Line Below". You might try
duplicating the list of memory rows in a second 2nd tab and then
copy-and-paste between tabs to move your memory rows as needed.


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