[chirp_users] New Daily Build

Build System
Thu Apr 9 00:07:58 PDT 2020


A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #618
[Tony F <goldstar611 at hotmail.com>] [h777] Fix some settings not taking effect
Fixes #7653
Does not cause regression in #7067

Changes for Build #619
[Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>] [tk3180] Fix DCS squelch encoding

The value we set in memory was slightly different from how the
OEM software writes it, although the OEM software decodes it properly.
With our encoding the radio would not actually transmit the DCS code,
rendering it ineffective.

Fixes #7777

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