[chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 131, Issue 13

Phone Account
Tue Nov 19 20:50:02 PST 2019

I only got a partial of the digest email because message 3 was so long.  In
the future it would be helpful if you put long messages in an attachment
when posting. Thanks.

Be blessed in Jesus,

Gary Craig  KI5CCD

On Sun, Nov 17, 2019, 2:02 PM <chirp_users-request at intrepid.danplanet.com>

> Send chirp_users mailing list submissions to
>         chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         chirp_users-request at intrepid.danplanet.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         chirp_users-owner at intrepid.danplanet.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of chirp_users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Kenwood TM V7A (Tommy Evans)
>    2. Re: Kenwood TM V7A (Amnon Zohar)
>    3. CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina (Jean-Paul Louis)
>    4. Re: CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina (Jim Unroe)
>    5. Re: CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina
>       (Jeff Zarge - K3JRZ)
>    6. Settings (Lee M)
>    7. Re: Settings (Glenn N0YJV  :))
>    8. Re: Settings (Lee M)
>    9. Re: Settings (Glenn N0YJV  :))
>   10. Re: Settings (Jim Allyn)
>   11. Re: Settings (Lee M)
>   12. Re: Settings (Dennis Wage)
>   13. Re: Settings (Jim Unroe)
>   14. Re: Settings (Tom Consodine ND5Y)
>   15. Re: CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina (Jean-Paul Louis)
>   16. Re: CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina (Jean-Paul Louis)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 15:01:20 -0500
> From: Tommy Evans <tommysevans at gmail.com>
> Subject: [chirp_users] Kenwood TM V7A
> To: chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CABxoQmw-ejAyfWGFjL9g18FhALdbzw5+gZbktBmA1pDwjoNsxg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> When I download the data from the radio, I get all the VHF info but all the
> UHF is empty.  Am I missing something?
> Thanks.
> --
> Tommy Evans
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> http://intrepid.danplanet.com/pipermail/chirp_users/attachments/20191116/4f3e4e13/attachment-0001.html
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 22:37:53 +0200
> From: Amnon Zohar <amnon.zohar at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Kenwood TM V7A
> To: Discussion of CHIRP <chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>
> Message-ID:
>         <CAN5HzcSd_2=Eo_kZqFk-Ok-2KLzjPaLetjMk=
> TCv6ceKkqUftA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Maybe you limited or did not change  the limit on number of lines to
> download?
> ?????? ???, 16 ????' 2019, 22:04, ??? Tommy Evans ?<tommysevans at gmail.com
> >:
> > When I download the data from the radio, I get all the VHF info but all
> > the UHF is empty.  Am I missing something?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > Tommy Evans
> > _______________________________________________
> > chirp_users mailing list
> > chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
> > http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_users
> > This message was sent to amnon at amnon.zohar at gmail.com
> > To unsubscribe, send an email to
> > chirp_users-unsubscribe at intrepid.danplanet.com
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> http://intrepid.danplanet.com/pipermail/chirp_users/attachments/20191116/d969a7bb/attachment-0001.html
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 17:26:02 -0500
> From: Jean-Paul Louis <louijp at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [chirp_users] CHIRP no longer working with OS X Catalina
> To: Discussion of CHIRP <chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>
> Message-ID: <7817A121-56D0-40AA-86DE-F4E84045882C at yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8
> Hello CHIRP developers,
> Since I upgraded my OS X to 10.15.1 Catalina, CHIRP
> stopped working.
> I added the write permissions as described in emails
> in this list, but doesn?t work for me. when I double-click
> the icon,CHIRP crashes.
> The message from OS X is pasted below:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Process:               CHIRP [31234]
> Path:
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/MacOS/../CHIRP
> Identifier:            com.danplanet.chirp
> Version:               0.1 (0.1)
> Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
> Parent Process:        ??? [1]
> Responsible:           CHIRP [31234]
> User ID:               501
> Date/Time:             2019-11-16 17:23:24.519 -0500
> OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.15.1 (19B88)
> Report Version:        12
> Anonymous UUID:        F083C7E2-3CB1-C884-21A3-0E601BD2B66D
> Sleep/Wake UUID:       D09CD4E5-7C13-4C83-A9C4-9910E61367FF
> Time Awake Since Boot: 190000 seconds
> Time Since Wake:       14000 seconds
> System Integrity Protection: enabled
> Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
> Exception Codes:       KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00007ffee1b72ff0
> Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
> Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
> Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
> Terminating Process:   exc handler [31234]
> VM Regions Near 0x7ffee1b72ff0:
>     MALLOC_SMALL           00007facc8800000-00007facc9000000 [ 8192K]
> rw-/rwx SM=PRV
> --> STACK GUARD            00007ffede373000-00007ffee1b73000 [ 56.0M]
> ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 0
>     Stack                  00007ffee1b73000-00007ffee2373000 [ 8192K]
> rw-/rwx SM=ALI  thread 0
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> 0   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff6953a5ce __vfprintf + 100
> 1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff69561e1b __v2printf + 475
> 2   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff6953a19a _vasprintf + 370
> 3   libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010e9c5d95 g_vasprintf + 22
> 4   libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010e9a4760
> g_strdup_vprintf + 37
> 5   libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010e9901b0 g_logv + 63
> 6   libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010e990153 g_log + 120
> 7   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010e93247c
> g_type_get_qdata + 174
> 8   _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e21a
> pygobject_lookup_class + 66
> 9   _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 10  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 11  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 12  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 13  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 14  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 15  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 16  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 17  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 18  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 19  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 20  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 21  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 22  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 23  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 24  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 25  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 26  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 27  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 28  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 29  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 30  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 31  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 32  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 33  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 34  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 35  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 36  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 37  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 38  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 39  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 40  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 41  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 42  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 43  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 44  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 45  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 46  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 47  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 48  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 49  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 50  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 51  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 52  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 53  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 54  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 55  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 56  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 57  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 58  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 59  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 60  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 61  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 62  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 63  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 64  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 65  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 66  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 67  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 68  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 69  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 70  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 71  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 72  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 73  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 74  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 75  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 76  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 77  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 78  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 79  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 80  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 81  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 82  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 83  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 84  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 85  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 86  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 87  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 88  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 89  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 90  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 91  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 92  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 93  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 94  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 95  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 96  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 97  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 98  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 99  _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 100 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 101 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 102 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 103 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 104 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 105 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 106 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 107 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 108 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 109 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 110 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 111 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 112 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 113 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 114 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 115 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 116 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 117 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 118 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 119 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 120 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 121 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 122 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 123 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 124 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 125 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 126 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 127 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 128 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 129 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 130 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 131 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 132 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 133 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 134 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 135 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 136 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 137 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 138 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 139 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 140 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 141 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 142 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 143 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 144 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 145 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 146 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 147 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 148 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 149 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 150 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 151 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 152 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 153 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 154 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 155 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 156 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 157 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 158 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 159 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 160 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 161 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 162 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 163 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 164 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 165 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 166 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 167 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 168 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 169 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 170 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 171 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 172 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 173 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 174 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 175 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 176 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 177 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 178 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 179 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 180 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 181 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 182 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 183 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 184 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 185 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 186 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 187 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 188 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 189 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 190 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 191 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 192 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 193 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 194 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 195 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 196 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 197 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 198 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 199 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 200 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 201 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 202 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 203 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 204 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 205 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 206 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 207 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 208 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 209 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 210 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 211 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 212 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 213 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 214 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 215 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 216 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 217 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 218 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 219 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 220 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 221 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 222 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 223 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 224 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 225 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 226 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 227 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 228 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 229 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 230 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 231 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 232 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 233 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 234 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 235 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 236 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 237 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 238 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 239 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 240 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 241 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 242 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 243 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 244 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 245 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 246 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 247 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 248 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 249 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 250 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 251 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 252 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 253 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 254 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 255 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 256 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 257 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 258 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 259 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 260 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 261 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 262 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 263 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 264 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 265 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 266 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 267 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 268 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 269 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 270 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 271 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 272 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 273 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 274 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 275 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 276 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 277 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 278 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 279 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 280 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 281 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 282 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 283 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 284 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 285 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 286 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 287 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 288 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 289 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 290 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 291 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 292 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 293 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 294 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 295 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 296 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 297 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 298 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 299 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 300 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 301 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 302 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 303 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 304 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 305 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 306 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 307 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 308 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 309 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 310 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 311 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 312 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 313 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 314 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 315 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 316 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 317 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 318 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 319 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 320 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 321 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 322 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 323 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 324 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 325 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 326 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 327 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 328 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 329 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 330 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 331 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 332 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 333 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 334 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 335 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 336 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 337 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 338 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 339 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 340 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 341 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 342 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 343 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 344 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 345 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 346 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 347 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 348 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 349 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 350 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 351 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 352 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 353 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 354 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 355 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 356 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 357 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 358 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 359 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 360 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 361 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 362 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 363 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 364 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 365 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 366 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 367 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 368 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 369 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 370 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 371 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 372 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 373 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 374 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 375 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 376 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 377 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 378 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 379 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 380 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 381 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 382 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 383 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 384 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 385 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 386 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 387 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 388 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 389 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 390 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 391 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 392 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 393 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 394 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 395 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 396 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 397 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 398 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 399 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 400 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 401 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 402 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 403 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 404 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 405 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 406 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 407 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 408 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 409 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 410 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 411 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 412 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 413 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 414 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 415 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 416 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 417 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 418 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 419 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 420 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 421 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 422 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 423 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 424 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 425 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 426 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 427 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 428 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 429 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 430 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 431 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 432 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 433 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 434 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 435 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 436 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 437 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 438 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 439 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 440 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 441 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 442 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 443 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 444 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 445 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 446 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 447 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 448 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 449 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 450 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 451 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 452 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 453 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 454 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 455 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 456 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 457 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 458 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 459 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 460 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 461 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 462 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 463 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 464 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 465 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 466 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 467 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 468 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 469 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 470 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 471 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 472 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 473 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 474 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 475 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 476 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 477 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 478 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 479 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 480 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 481 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 482 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 483 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 484 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 485 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 486 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 487 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 488 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 489 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 490 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 491 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 492 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 493 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 494 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 495 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 496 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 497 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 498 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 499 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 500 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 501 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 502 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 503 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 504 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 505 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 506 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 507 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 508 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> 509 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1e244
> pygobject_lookup_class + 108
> 510 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1dce5
> pyg_type_get_bases + 43
> 511 _gobject.so                         0x000000010eb1df6e
> pygobject_new_with_interfaces + 36
> Thread 1:
> 0   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff696aa56c start_wqthread
> + 0
> Thread 2:
> 0   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff696aa56c start_wqthread
> + 0
> Thread 3:
> 0   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff696aa56c start_wqthread
> + 0
> Thread 4:
> 0   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff696aa56c start_wqthread
> + 0
> Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
>   rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x00007ffee1b73420  rcx:
> 0x00007ffee1b73090  rdx: 0x00007ffee1b73810
>   rdi: 0x00007ffee1b73420  rsi: 0x00007fff934d9cc8  rbp:
> 0x00007ffee1b73320  rsp: 0x00007ffee1b72fa0
>    r8: 0x000000010e9d34d6   r9: 0x00007ffee1b737e0  r10:
> 0x0000000000000000  r11: 0x0000000000000000
>   r12: 0x000000010e9d34d6  r13: 0x00007fff934d9cc8  r14:
> 0x00007ffee1b737e0  r15: 0x0000000000000000
>   rip: 0x00007fff6953a5ce  rfl: 0x0000000000010246  cr2: 0x00007ffee1b72ff0
> Logical CPU:     0
> Error Code:      0x00000006 (no mapping for user data read)
> Trap Number:     14
> Binary Images:
>        0x10d88d000 -        0x10d88efff +CHIRP (97.50.7)
> <FDF4A2EF-05B5-37B9-8624-045A152B6DB7>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/CHIRP
>        0x10d9e6000 -        0x10d9e7fff  _locale.so (125)
> <583465D3-13FC-37FC-B27D-64FA4BE49CF5>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_locale.so
>        0x10da8c000 -        0x10da8ffff  _struct.so (125)
> <796D2E42-142B-3E25-AE23-385B65950B99>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_struct.so
>        0x10da99000 -        0x10da9cfff  strop.so (125)
> <138C480B-45A0-36ED-BB5C-F943FA424EDB>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/strop.so
>        0x10daa6000 -        0x10daa8ffb  binascii.so (125)
> <D86A6331-66BE-3582-BD5D-B802A145D901>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/binascii.so
>        0x10daf0000 -        0x10daf4fff  _json.so (125)
> <CD552DCE-8DEF-36B1-A8DC-1C1043D4CE29>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_json.so
>        0x10dafd000 -        0x10dafeff7  time.so (125)
> <58451961-A3A4-3C6E-87A0-E11BF6718ECB>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/time.so
>        0x10db08000 -        0x10db09fff  cStringIO.so (125)
> <39A3F6C4-80DA-36EB-922D-0D4668EC4915>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/cStringIO.so
>        0x10db13000 -        0x10db15ff3  _collections.so (125)
> <55AD934F-07EC-30DD-A266-C7274355B8FC>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_collections.so
>        0x10db1f000 -        0x10db22fff  operator.so (125)
> <5E3D2557-CB54-33A6-AD44-32786CF10018>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/operator.so
>        0x10db6d000 -        0x10db71fff  itertools.so (125)
> <C9D92F63-6F86-3550-BE3C-C96B8DD6189A>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/itertools.so
>        0x10db7e000 -        0x10db7ffff  _heapq.so (125)
> <C7EF0C14-A03F-3AD3-B37C-CCD33A5D6633>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_heapq.so
>        0x10db88000 -        0x10db8bffb  math.so (125)
> <6032229B-3875-35F0-8572-EE95AF13CE04>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/math.so
>        0x10dce7000 -        0x10dce8fff  _functools.so (125)
> <2DB3F707-A0A0-3C53-A2F5-6077B2101D33>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_functools.so
>        0x10dd09000 -        0x10dd0bff7  select.so (125)
> <A069E93A-076E-3EE8-8F33-7C5D7603F865>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/select.so
>        0x10dd15000 -        0x10dd16fff  fcntl.so (125)
> <C64A8463-E21B-37E7-9C90-79614E8A2156>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/fcntl.so
>        0x10dd5e000 -        0x10dd6cff3  _io.so (125)
> <A0B87A07-D2FC-3CE0-ACDB-BB29B3F96380>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_io.so
>        0x10dd80000 -        0x10dd81fff  termios.so (125)
> <AA37E56C-40AD-3D9A-B9C8-83C521BF5B37>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/termios.so
>        0x10dd8a000 -        0x10dd8efff  array.so (125)
> <6BE2CFDF-E507-3A2D-B2E2-5791BD64AB8D>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/array.so
>        0x10ddd8000 -        0x10dde6fff  _ctypes.so (125)
> <94934F91-F8DD-3169-980E-1BFA927486C8>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_ctypes.so
>        0x10de76000 -        0x10de78fff  _hashlib.so (125)
> <A500298E-D8C1-327C-98F2-AB324AC71658>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_hashlib.so
>        0x10de81000 -        0x10de82ff7  _random.so (125)
> <1B3F96E0-F36A-32B9-8000-8A98C4F2478B>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_random.so
>        0x10decb000 -        0x10ded2fff  _socket.so (125)
> <486E2915-227C-3D7D-BEB6-52AB261C0BAF>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_socket.so
>        0x10dee0000 -        0x10deeafff  _ssl.so (125)
> <F2D27687-4F0C-3D7C-AA79-84B6A6A0D738>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_ssl.so
>        0x10df4d000 -        0x10df4dfff  _scproxy.so (125)
> <EEB14B6E-C48B-308E-904A-5E33D88DA446>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_scproxy.so
>        0x10dfe4000 -        0x10dfedffb  datetime.so (125)
> <1858BA84-CE94-3C30-AD43-1B08B3EEF6A5>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/datetime.so
>        0x10e152000 -        0x10e154fff  _csv.so (125)
> <C506E54D-7389-3ED2-BF0E-854FEA0E3BD1>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_csv.so
>        0x10e25e000 -        0x10e284ff7 +libxml2mod.so (0)
> <B1C5233F-B801-3FAF-A14C-C95FF89F7AB2>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/site-packages/libxml2mod.so
>        0x10e2b0000 -        0x10e391ff3 +libxml2.2.dylib (0)
> <DE9B3778-81A7-3D2E-9CD2-58A7D7B99104>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
>        0x10e766000 -        0x10e766fff  future_builtins.so (125)
> <E560B639-8017-3567-8A13-9C1CD42EF92C>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/future_builtins.so
>        0x10e8dc000 -        0x10e8defff  zlib.so (125)
> <9EBE0836-1460-38F2-BEBD-FCD4CB18B5F7>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/zlib.so
>        0x10e8e8000 -        0x10e8ebfff  bz2.so (125)
> <5E4E9B66-5609-3B08-BB15-7A890C459B58>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/bz2.so
>        0x10e8f5000 -        0x10e8f5fff  grp.so (125)
> <6895EC22-6D5F-31B5-BDEC-BF936867340D>
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/grp.so
>        0x10e8fd000 -        0x10e906fff +_glib.so (0)
> <CA79467A-54B9-399A-8D40-F9DD6589D727>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/site-packages/glib/_glib.so
>        0x10e911000 -        0x10e942ffb +libgobject-2.0.0.dylib (0)
> <9C2E3BAA-77D1-3B2C-81C9-63D42A0468ED>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libgobject-2.0.0.dylib
>        0x10e955000 -        0x10e958fff +libgthread-2.0.0.dylib (0)
> <FC72AD7B-D25C-3561-85BD-1184BA936A5E>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libgthread-2.0.0.dylib
>        0x10e95b000 -        0x10ea2bff7 +libglib-2.0.0.dylib (0)
> <1E818091-C549-3F68-AF77-F0CA64C0217E>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib
>        0x10ea51000 -        0x10ea59ff7 +libintl.8.dylib (0)
> <2BE4B1C7-92C9-39E9-B4A7-F880907047DB>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libintl.8.dylib
>        0x10ea5e000 -        0x10ea61fff +libpyglib-2.0-python.0.dylib (0)
> <90B38EFC-9088-32B3-B09E-5BE7596B050D>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libpyglib-2.0-python.0.dylib
>        0x10ea65000 -        0x10eac8ff3 +libpcre.1.dylib (0)
> <5B4FAAF7-7EC4-36BB-B62E-57DE5F60AB9A>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libpcre.1.dylib
>        0x10eacd000 -        0x10ead1fff +libffi.6.dylib (0)
> <47F6B233-3552-3D42-A3EC-1917E141AC53>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libffi.6.dylib
>        0x10eb15000 -        0x10eb29fff +_gobject.so (0)
> <90F9EF8F-9A53-36EF-9B3E-21EB54E94D6E>
> /Users/USER/Desktop/CHIRP.app/Contents/R
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