[chirp_users] Kenwood TM-D710GA Issues

Charles Hargrove
Fri May 4 04:13:57 PDT 2018

You are right, the MCP6 does an upload of the entire file and not in
"live" mode.  I use Chirp for other radios since it first came out with
no problems at all.  I am looking forward to someday using it with my
DMR radios.

On 5/4/2018 6:54 AM, Rich Messeder wrote:
> I recall having problems with this, too (F6A, V71A). I found that MCP was not "live" and would capture snapshots of all the memories, but CHIRP won't. I don't understand why CHIRP insists that updating must be live, when MCP doesn't. Awkward.
> And I found the same hang on trying to update more than 1 channel at a time.
> I went to using MCP to initially configure my radio, then swapped to CHIRP for the download and went from there, but updating 1 channel at a time. Have not revisited this recently, so maybe CHIRP handles this better now.
> ~R~

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

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