[chirp_users] UV5R

Eugene Baleme
Sat Jun 9 13:02:20 PDT 2018

This worked but it is not easy to change drivers on windows 7. To bad chirp's latest does not have drivers to match. When I bought my UV5Rs and a cable together they worked fine. I year later with the newest chirp no connection. Thanks to everyone for your help. Gene

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 4:51 AM, Dennis Wage<dwage at dwage.com> wrote:   http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_Drivers.php

Dennis M. Wage (W9BOQ)

245 Corum Hill Road
Castalian Springs, TN 37031
(615) 310-4242 Cell
(615) 562-5128 Home
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