[chirp_users] BF-888S Transmit Inhibit?

Jim Unroe
Fri Oct 27 02:26:21 PDT 2017

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 8:28 PM, Richard Dillman <richard at kwmr.org> wrote:
> Is it possible to set transmit inhibit (receive only) for a channel in the
> BF-888S?
> Many Thanks,
> RD

Hi Richard,

When a radio supports the programming of TX inhibited memories, the
Duplex field will usually have "off" as one of the available
selections. Setting the Duplex field to "off" in a selected memory
will disable transmit when that memory is selected in the radio. The
BF-888 driver has "off" as one of the Duplex selections.


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