[chirp_users] CHIRP will not start on my WIN 10 laptop

Jim Unroe
Mon May 29 03:30:30 PDT 2017

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 2:23 AM, Bo Sörensson <bo.sorensson at tele2.se> wrote:
> I have a laptop with WIN 10. First I loaded the .exe version of the daily
> CHIRP. When I started the program a small window was opened saying that
> error reporting was enabled. I closed the window and nothing more happened.
> I tried to run under Administrator mode, but with the same result. Then I
> unloaded to CHIRP software and loaded the .zip version instead. Same result.
> When I start the program the only thing that happens is the window with the
> text about eroor reporting. What am I doing wrong?
> Bo
> bo.sorensson at tele2.se


This is an informational message. It is telling you...

"ERROR REPORTING has been enabled" (as in the reporting of errors)

It should not be misinterpreted as an error message...

"ERROR: reporting has been enabled"

With all new CHIRP installations, the first thing that happens is this
message appears to disclose to the user that by default CHIRP will
"phone home" to the developers to report any errors that may occur.
The message continues by letting the user know that if this behavior
is not desired, it can be disabled in the "Help" menu, Just click the
[OK] button to acknowledge the message and continue. The main CHIRP
window will appear and this message should never be displayed again.


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