[chirp_users] Baofeng UV-5R

Jim Unroe
Sat Mar 18 16:34:59 PDT 2017

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 5:00 PM, Michael W Scheel <mws1972 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a problem programming my Baofeng UV-5R. I downloaded the file and
> then uploaded the code-plug with changes. Afterwards the radio doesn't
> have the offsets. I can just transmit simplex even though it was
> programed with an offset for a repeater. Am I missing something?
> Uploaded it twice now.

Hi Michael,

These radios do not store a shift direction or offset as part of a
programmed memory channel. They are not needed.

All that is required to access a repeater is to listen on the
frequency that the repeater transmits on and to transmit on the
frequency that the repeater listens to.

Radio RX Freq <- Repeater TX Freq
Radio TX Freq -> Repeater RX Freq

So it is the RX frequency and the TX frequency that is stored in a
programmed memory. Because of this, menu 25 (SFT-D) and menu 26
(OFFSET) are only use and only function when the radio is set to VFO
(frequency) mode. They do not function when the radio is set to MR
(channel) mode. Take a look at the "Reverence for UV-5R Menus".


CHIRP on the other hand, lets you enter the information as the RX
frequency, shift direction and offset. Once this information has been
entered, CHIRP computes the TX frequency so it and the RX frequency
can be stored in the corresponding memory.

In the radio, a "+-" will be indicated in the upper status display
whenever the RX frequency and TX frequency are not the same (as in a
repeater, odd-split, cross-band or TX blocked channel).

To test to make sure everything is programmed as it should, select the
memory in a display line that has its Memory Display Format set to
FREQ (menu 21 (MDF-A) or menu 22 (MDF-B)). You should see the RX
frequency in the selected display line. Now tap the [*] key to put the
radio into "reverse" mode (or press the [PTT] button). The TX
frequency should now be displayed. Tap the [*] key a second time to
exit "reverse" mode (or release the [PTT] button). The RX frequency
will be displayed again.


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