[chirp_users] Serial Cable not Found on Max

John Laiosa
Mon Jun 26 16:58:39 PDT 2017

So I went into System Information and I can see "USB Serial Controller"
under Hardware/USB.  Now what driver do I need so Chirp will see the cable.

Thanks for the help.

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 8:47 AM Peter J. McClosky <pmcclosky at earthlink.net>

> Hello all,
> Having programed about 150 of these radios (for my club, and most on a
> Mac), and using a multitude of different cables, I have never found a bad
> cable.
> What I have found is you need to get the right driver.
> On a Mac, this is done by plugging cable in, going to the “About this
> Mac”, getting a “System report”, and looking for your cable in the “USB”
> section of the “Hardware” section.
> Download the driver.
> Unless the Mac is really old, this should work.
> Peter, N7IY
> -----
> Peter J. McClosky, N7IY
> Eugene, Oregon
> pmcclosky at earthlink.net
> n7iy at arrl.net
> http://home.earthlink.net/~pmcclosky/
> On Jun 26, 2017, at 2:08 AM, Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com> wrote:
>  DI'm very curious how you came to that conclusion based on Jim's comment.
> While Jim's suggestion will work fine, what I'm going to recommend
> (again) is the opposite. As described in the link in my last message,
> uninstall Apple's FTDI driver since it conflicts with FTDI's FTDI
> driver. The goal is to leave only FTDI's FTDI driver on your system,
> no conflicts.
> Tom KD7LXL
> Agreed. One way or the other, there should only be one FTDI driver
> installed.
> Jim
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