[chirp_users] Copying between the Kenwood F6A and V71A

Sat Jun 3 07:23:22 PDT 2017

Kenwood's V71A software imports F6A files. 

On June 3, 2017 7:00:33 AM MDT, Rich Messeder <NE1EE at hotmail.com> wrote:
>I'd like to copy between the F6A to the V71A, but CHIRP does not permit
>saving Kenwood files. With my Baofeng, I can open multiple CHIRP
>instances or open different files on different tabs, and copy from one
>to another.
>All I can think of is to have them both connected to the computer at
>the same time, and copy|paste? Or maybe use csv files?
>I have submitted a feature request to have CHIRP save Kenwood images.
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