[chirp_users] BF 888S - side key function - Transmit Power

r norris
Wed Feb 8 13:49:10 PST 2017

> On Feb 8, 2017, at 06:23, Jim Unroe <rock.unroe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 11:13 AM, BRIAN OXENHAM
> <brian.oxenham at btopenworld.com> wrote:
>> I am using daily build 2017126 to programme a standard baofeng BF888S.
>> I can change the individual channel power settings through the Power column
>> in the tabular Memories screen which is great. I have verified this actually
>> works with a power meter. 

Since I never see myself using 128 or however many memories these radio have, if I want different power or tone settings, 

I just put the same frequency in multiple memories, with different settings.

ch 6 - 146.52 high power
ch 7 - 146.52 low power
ch 8 - 146.52 high power - tone on.

Keep the same sequence for each frequency.

Lot easier to change channels than remembering menu buttons.

Same with scanning. If there is a channel that’s important, put it in the list every six or eight slots.

The priority function on my UV2501 makes a “click” in the speaker, every time it is checking the channel.

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