[chirp_users] Chirp won't read CSV files correctly

Chris Nordstrom
Sat Feb 27 19:50:18 PST 2016


I believe you about what Chirp is expecting, but when I run Chirp, 
choose /*File/New*/ to create a new empty CSV file, then I save that 
file, the resulting CSV file contains the extra commas at the end of the 
row.  I use FileViewer to look at the raw text; this file has not been 
touched by Excel, yet contains the same extra commas.

I already discovered that if I delete the unused columns in Excel and 
re-import, the column number mismatch error is gone.

And I have to disagree-- the whole benefit of a program like this is to 
be able to manipulate (change) some data in order to customize my memory 
list, and I bet that's what most users are looking for.

Regards, Chris W7CFN

On 2/27/2016 2:30 PM, Dave VK2FDJS wrote:
> If you are editing CSV files, it is important that you use a text 
> editor to at least inspect the results of the edit.  In the event of 
> problems using a CSV file modified in a third-party program (e.g. 
> Excel), it becomes VITAL that you inspect the file in a text editor.
> CSV files are text files, not Excel files.  Excel can make use of 
> them, but there is no reason to expect it to maintain a presupposed 
> file format.  In particular, there is no concept in a CSV file of a 
> header row naming columns or a fixed number of "columns" per line.
> In your case, here are the two rows at the position of the problem:
> 15,SARO-U,444.1,+,5,Tone,179.9,88.5,23,NN,FM,5,,,,,
> 16,SARO-U,444.125,+,5,Tone,179.9,88.5,23,NN,FM,5
> As you can see, the line beginning with "15," which is the 16th line 
> in the file, ends with a series of commas.  These separate the last 5 
> values in the line, which all happen to be empty.
> The line beginning with "16," - and subsequent lines - are lacking 
> these 5 commas and accordingly contain five fewer values per line.  
> Because CHIRP is expecting more values per line than you gave it, it 
> doesn't know what to do, and hands the problem back to you with the 
> "column number mismatch" error message.  (Certainly it would be nice 
> if the error message was a bit more informative - e.g. by including 
> the number of values expected and the number of values actually in the 
> line - perhaps the programmers can improve the error message.)
> When I look at the file from yesterday (from which you had removed 
> column headings), there are no trailing commas in any of the lines.  I 
> assume these were removed by Excel, but can't know for sure.
> As a simple rule of thumb, only work on CSV files in the program that 
> actually created them. If you do this, you are unlikely to have 
> problems with them. As I understand it, the idea of CHIRP's CSV files 
> is to allow you to copy entire sets of frequencies from one radio 
> image to another, not to allow you to manipulate the frequency sets in 
> third-party programs like Excel.  (Like all rules, this is, of course, 
> meant to be broken ... but caveat emptor.)
> Regards, Dave VK2FDJS
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Chris Nordstrom <mailto:cfnordstrom at gmail.com>
>     *To:* chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
>     <mailto:chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>
>     *Sent:* Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:17 AM
>     *Subject:* Re: [chirp_users] Chirp won't read CSV files correctly
>     Dave,
>     Yup, success!  When I put 88.5 in the */rToneFreq/* column (also
>     used 67, I guess any valid tone freq) _/and/_ deleted column
>     headers from any column that contains no data _/and/_ entered the
>     correct number of rows in *Memory Range*---badda bing -- it works.
>     I also figured out that I cannot directly /*Upload*/ a CSV file to
>     the radio, it has to be an IMG file, which makes sense, but the
>     method for getting an IMG file is not obvious and with no
>     documentation (that I could find), eew!  So what I did was
>     */Download/* from the radio, delete all except the first row, save
>     it as an "Empty" IMG file.  Next, I */Open/* that IMG file then
>     /*Import*/ the CSV file containing the memory channel data I want,
>     and magically, it becomes an IMG file that I can now /*Upload*/ to
>     the radio.  Is this how it is supposed to work or is there another
>     way to do this?  Does it work basically the same regardless of the
>     radio brand?
>     Attached is the CSV file that causes the Column number mismatch
>     error.  The only difference between this file and the one that
>     successfully imports is that there*IS* column heading text in
>     columns M, N, O, P and Q, but there is no data in those columns. 
>     When I removed the heading text from just those columns, the
>     problem goes away.
>     Thanks for your encouragement and ideas,
>     Regards, Chris W7CFN
>     P.S.  Is there no one working on some basic documentation? Perhaps
>     I can contribute something, it's been pretty painful for me.
>     On 2/26/2016 10:43 PM, Dave VK2FDJS wrote:
>>     I assume the file you attached was the one that gave you the
>>     second (smaller) set of errors.
>>     If you look at it in Excel, you'll see that rows 33, 35 and 40
>>     are the only rows that have nothing in the rToneFreq and
>>     cToneFreq columns.
>>     There are two other rows that have nothing in the Tone column
>>     (rows 2 and 3), but these still have values in the other two
>>     columns.  Looks like you have to have a value of some sort in
>>     these two columns.
>>     Could you please post the file that gave you the errors from row
>>     17 on, so we can have a look at it too.
>>     Regards, Dave VK2FDJS
>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>         *From:* Chris Nordstrom <mailto:cfnordstrom at gmail.com>
>>         *To:* chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
>>         *Sent:* Saturday, February 27, 2016 4:15 PM
>>         *Subject:* Re: [chirp_users] Chirp won't read CSV files correctly
>>         This is the error I get when importing or opening my CSV file:
>>         I'm using a file that was generated by Chirp using the export
>>         function, then (In Excel) I copy/paste my channels into that
>>         CSV file.  When opened in Chirp using either File/Open or
>>         File/Import, same errors every time.
>>         So, a little experimentation and I discover that it doesn't
>>         like the empty columns to the right (where there is a column
>>         heading but nothing in the column).  So I deleted the column
>>         headers (that Chirp created!) for the columns with no data
>>         and voila, it got past that error. Now I get this one:
>>         The new error about line 33 "[rTone] could not convert string
>>         to float"  I generally get what this error means but don't
>>         get what exactly is causing it.  And why does it reference
>>         line 33 and only import up to memory channel 25?  I notice at
>>         the top of the memory list window is an item called "Memories
>>         Memory Range" where the default entries are 1 to 25.  Bingo! 
>>         I changed the top end to 39 and it imported all the rows in
>>         my CSV file.  Wow, I know, there is a disclaimer about how
>>         you guys are good at programming and not so much at
>>         documentation.  Not sure I agree with that  and the
>>         documentation part seems like a cop out.
>>         I can't say never, but rarely have I encountered a program so
>>         unintuitive and persnickity.  I know, I know, it's free, what
>>         do I want for nothing.  I guess I need to lower my expectations.
>>         Chris Nordstrom
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