[chirp_users] Introduction & Question

Richard B. Emerson
Mon Aug 8 14:37:32 PDT 2016

Hello - I'm new to 2m and just started groping my way into what I need 
to know. I've held a General ticket for a couple of years. However, my 
main interest is PACTOR comms via Winlink while aboard our sailboat (/MM 
or /C6A). We've been to the Bahamas few times; having Winlink to back up 
other options is great.

I inherited a Baofeng UV-5RE Plus from a friend, sadly SK. At this point 
I'm able to program the radio, etc. My biggest concern is a way to 
organize the entries. That is, being NW of Philadelphia, I want the 2m 
repeaters for the counties/areas I'm most likely to be in. So far, so 
good. Repeater Book is my friend. But! Is there some way to tag a 
cluster of calls with at least the country name in some form? I guess I 
could add a two letter code to the back of each call, but if I'm missing 
a useful option...?

73 de KC3DOO
Rick Emerson

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