[chirp_users] New Daily Build

Build System
Tue Oct 13 00:07:36 PDT 2015


A new daily build of CHIRP is available.  This includes changes made
directly to the tree yesterday, and may include additional features,
bug fixes, and/or bugs.  If you are interested in trying it, grab it
from the following location:


A list of the changes included in this build (since the last daily)

Changes for Build #364
[Alexey K <lepik.stv at gmail.com>] [patch modified] doesn't recognize multiple comm ports in Win 7 - issue	#2783

Description of the problem in the MSDN:


"To specify a COM port number greater than 9, use the following syntax: "\\.\COM10".

This syntax works for all port numbers and hardware that allows COM port
numbers to
be specified."

But there is not quite right :) They write "\\.\COM10" it's not going to work.

Correctly so: "\\\\.\\COM10"

I tested on Win7x32, COM > 9. Work correctly.

Added fixes to the drop-down list of ports.
In the name of the port removing unnecessary characters for the user's convenience.

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