[chirp_users] Chirp on MAC OS X Yosemity

Pat Anderson
Sun Jul 19 15:34:33 PDT 2015

If you have the ability to go back to Lion, I would do that ASAP! I had a
Lion backup (SuperDuper) on an external USB drive, and foolishly did not
retain it, instead I backed up my Yosemite installation.  HUGE mistake.  So
I am cut off from going back.

I could explain if we were sitting down together at a table with the
computer in front of us, but probably not via email.  Basically, you need
to be comfortable using the Terminal (In Finder:  Applications | Utilities
| Terminal.app).  It is a command line interface, no graphical interface.
You type (or better yet, copy and paste) commands, enter your password, say
a magic incantation (just kidding but it doesn't hurt) and press return.
If all goes well, the command will execute; if not, you risk causing all
kinds of problems with your computer, which is why I say it is not for the
faint at heart!  You have been warned!

Assuming you have the Terminal open, copy this and paste it to the command

sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"

The "sudo" makes you the superuser (administrator) and the command that
follows allows unsigned drivers to be loaded.

Now you would install your driver. I used the Lion driver from Miklor.com
 and it worked at the beginning.

It was necessary to manually load the driver the first time with another
command in Terminal (again, copy and paste):

sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext

It worked for a while, then although the driver continued to show up in
CHIRP, it always returned the error message "The radio did not respond."
 Same radio, same cable, work fine on my 2006 white Macbook.

Like  I say, if anybody gets CHIRP working reliably in Yosemite, they need
to detail how on a Miklor page!

On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Roos G Mats <mats.g.roos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks PAT,
> the problem is that I am a normal “deadly guy”, just a simple MAC user,
> not sure I understand what you teaching me :-)
> Can you please, line by line explain ?  Also, will it may work as the
> upgrade Yosemite ? is it of temporary nature or for ever ?
> Mats
> On Jul 19, 2015, at 5:04 PM, Pat Anderson <anderson5420 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I too went from Lion to Yosemite on my 2011 Macbook Pro.  Biggest mistake
> I have made with any computer ever.  I do not have an answer for you. When
> anybody finds an answer, it deserves a page of its own on Miklor.com.  I
> have tried everything, I though I had it with this technique, it seemed to
> work for a while and then it just stopped working as well.  But you can try
> it, good luck and let us know how it works for you:
> Here is what I found. The driver is the issue with Yosemite.  The built-in
> FTDI driver prevents the osx-pl2303 driver from loading.  The fix (not for
> the faint of heart) is to do some black magic at the command line.
> In Terminal, enter:
> sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
> This allows other (unsigned) drivers to load.  The driver that works for
> me is the Lion driver from miklor.com.
> Then manually load the driver (first time only,  it will load
> automatically after that) with this command in Terminal:
> sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext
> This creates the device cu.PL2303-000012FD, be sure that is what you
> select in the CHIRP Radio dialog in the Port drop-down. Again in the
> Terminal, do "cd /dev", and then "ls" (without the quotes) to  see that the
> cu.PL2303-000012FD driver is actually loaded.
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Roos G Mats <mats.g.roos at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> Hi I just upgraded my MAC from Lion 10.7 to OS XYosemite 10.10.4,
>> everything with Chirp has been working great till I did the upgrade, does
>> anyone have the “magic” solution?  What needs to be added?  New Drivers ?
>> or ??
>> Thankful for help
>> Mats
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