[chirp_users] New user

Michael D Earls
Wed Apr 15 10:44:25 PDT 2015

Do you happen to live in Texas?

Texas VHF-FM Society appears to be the regulating agency for Texas and will
always have the most up to date info.


There is a link to their repeater search
http://www.txvhffm.org/repeaters/repeaters.php or it may be accessed
directly  http://www.rfprojector.com/repeater/index.php .

The site allows search by frequency, city, county, or call sign but there is
no provision for exporting the information directly into software.

I usually begin by compiling a list of possibles using RepeaterBook and then
verifying using RfProjector. Searching by county will find newer entries not
found by RepeaterBook as well as call sign changes.

They also sell a pamphlet of the listings for $5.

Not sure whether other states off similar resources.

Mike Earls
TSRA Life Member
NRA Benefactor Member

-----Original Message-----
From: chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com
[mailto:chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:57 AM
To: chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com
Subject: [chirp_users] New user

As a new user chirp is still a learning experience. The data that is used in
the download sites is old and outdated on the ones that it would let me
access. It would not let me look at all of the sites so I can't comment on
all of them. The one that I was able to access still has repeaters listed in
my area thy have been off the air for at least five years. I realize this is
something chirp can not control to a certain extent but they could get a
site that is more up to date and dump the sites that are still in the dark
ages with their lists. I had some problems trying to down load data but I
think it's due to not being use to using chirp so I need more time with the
program to comment there. One site I have found that is reasonably correct
on their data is Artsi but even they have a few lists that are not accurate
but they seem to have more accurate data than most others.radio reference is
pretty close on some stuff but has old data on others. The data that comes
up when you
  download chirp and look at what is there is not accurate at all. It
doesn't even show the repeater offset on some and on the vhf marine channels
some of the channels are not even in the marine service they are public
safety frequencies. All in all chirp is a good idea but it really needs some
data updating and corrections by someone that is familiar with FCC band
plans and repeater inputs and outputs and what frequencies are assigned to
what radio services. This would make chirp a really great and very useful
program. As the saying goes junk in junk out.  

Sent from my iPhone
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