[chirp_users] Trying to use chirp via ser2net and socat

Nigel Johnson
Thu Nov 6 05:34:30 PST 2014

Hmm, interesting.  I didn't realise it was half duplex.  I have tried
telnetting to the port and the only echo I get is the carriage return,
then nothing.  Time to get the scope out :-)

73 NIgel ve3id


Nigel Johnson

Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!


You can reach me by voice on Skype:  TILBURY2591

If time travel ever will be possible, it already is. Ask me again yesterday

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   Nigel Johnson <nw.johnson at ieee.org>

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On 11/05/2014 04:37 PM, Andrew wrote:
> On 05/11/14 21:23, Nigel Johnson, MIEEE wrote:
>> I am using SuSE linux here and CentOS upstairs.  I have tried setting the serial port up there to 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200.  I assume that chirp uses autobauding to communicate with the radio but that is obviously not available over a tcp connection.
> I had a quick look in the source code and it appears to use 9600:
> class FTx800Radio(yaesu_clone.YaesuCloneModeRadio):
>      """Base class for FT-7800,7900,8800,8900 radios"""
>      BAUD_RATE = 9600
> What you could do is to unplug the cable from the radio and connect the 
> TX and RX pins together. (I don't know what the cable is so I don't know 
> which pins this or how easy it would be to do.)
> Once you do that any data you manage to send to the serial port will 
> come straight back again, so you can test that the link is working, and 
> it works at any baud rate.

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