[chirp_users] missing 'pango' package with new chirp install Mac OS X 10.7.5

Tom Hayward
Sun Mar 2 10:38:23 PST 2014

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Dave Ritchie <deritchie at yahoo.com> wrote:
> PangoWarning: error opening config file '../Resources/etc/pango/pangorc': No
> such file or directory

That warning just means there's no configuration file for Pango, but
no worries, the defaults work just fine. Your problem is elsewhere.

If you show us the rest of the debug.log, there may be a clue as to
what the problem really is. Also, could you describe the behavior
you're seeing and the sequence of events that led up to it? The two
words you use, "died" and "fails", leave me wondering what part of the
process failed.


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