[chirp_users] New Daily Build

John Gorena
Wed Jan 16 18:01:24 PST 2013

Sometimes they are daily, sometimes weekly, but we get them when Dan has
some time.  (I wanted to say "when Dan gets sometimes" but that did not look
or sound right.) :-)
From: chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com
[mailto:chirp_users-bounces at intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:00 PM
To: Discussion of CHIRP
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] New Daily Build
Have there been any Daily Builds since the 11th?  Haven't got notice of any.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tom Hayward <mailto:esarfl at gmail.com>  
To: Discussion of CHIRP <mailto:chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com>  
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] New Daily Build
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 5:52 AM, Ken G <kdubya at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> What is the difference between the installer.exe and the win32.zip

installer.exe will install Chirp like any other program.

win32.zip is what some people call a "standalone app." Just run it, no
installation needed.

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