[chirp_users] Chirp & FT8800R

Randy Elliott
Sun Dec 15 16:16:08 PST 2013

Ok Milton I will check that.

Randy Elliott VE3JPU
Technical Director
South Pickering Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Box 53
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
L1V 2R2
ve3jpu at me.com
Skype: scruffdog

On 2013-12-15, at 6:58 PM, Milton Hywatt wrote:

It's not the correct driver. Did you check your 
kernel message buffer for any oddities? 
Open a terminal and type sudo dmesg
You'll be asked for the admin password
then when you press return you will see a list 
of all the kernel messages since your last reboot.
I suggest a reboot before you do the dmesg. The
list will give all your devices loading at start and errors
along the way. 

Also I have a suggestion. And this is my own feeling
and no way shared by any Chirp team member.

Please do not use iPhones, tablets, Android phones
etc...to reply to your Chirp Users mail. None of them
seem to format the replies into an understandable 
method to determine the timeline of replies. So I don't
really know who the heck I'm replying to I can only guess.

I'm about ready to ban these portable devices in the Yahoo
groups I own. They do not quote properly or at all. iPhone 
is the worst. Just my 2 cents worth. 


From: "rtsears at comcast.net" <rtsears at comcast.net>
To: Discussion of CHIRP <chirp_users at intrepid.danplanet.com> 
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 6:34 PM
Subject: [chirp_users] Chirp & FT8800R

Sent with Zeus

Randy Elliott <ve3jpu at me.com> wrote:
Greeting to the group

I have been trying to help a friend out with his FT8800R and connection to Chirp.
He is running a Mac Mini that I be leave is pre Intel.
He purchased the dedicated USB to radio cable from a link on the Chirp web site.
Here is the problem, he launches chirp OK, it recognizes his cable, he places his radio into clones mode, but he keeps getting an error message which states:
"could not open port/dev/cu.usbserial-RTWHKYXO: [Errno2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.usbserial-RTWHKYXO'"

Any help would be appreciated.

Randy Elliott VE3JPU
Technical Director
South Pickering Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Box 53
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
L1V 2R2
ve3jpu at me.com
Skype: scruffdog
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