[chirp_users] Wouxun KG-UVD1P connection

Geoff MacLean
Fri Mar 16 13:37:26 PDT 2012

Hi Dan and Tom,
I tried to log in to send the debug log but it says I'm not authorized with this email address so I attached it here?  

I also muddied the waters by trying another recommended driver   https://github.com/failberg/osx-pl2303/downloads
and now neither driver shows up.

Any instructions on removing these 2 drivers to install your recommended driver.

Thank you again for your attention to my travails.

Geoff MacLean
gmaclean at maine.rr.com

On Mar 16, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Dan Smith wrote:

>> I use the wouxun and commander programs on the PC
> Okay, it may be worth trying chirp on Windows, if you can, just to rule
> out any issues with the driver on MacOS.
> Part of the problem is that the chinese manufacturers regularly make
> multiple versions of the "same" radio that speak a different language or
> have subtle differences with no visual markings to distinguish them. If
> it doesn't work on Windows, then that may be biting us here.
> Also, if you could get and send the debug.log from the Mac, that will
> help us determine if it's not seeing any data from the radio, or if
> something more detailed is going on.
> Instructions for getting your debug log are here:
> http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/How_To_Report_Issues
> I assume you're using 0.2.0?
> -- 
> Dan Smith
> www.danplanet.com
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