[chirp_users] Not importing all data.

Dan Smith
Fri May 27 17:46:53 PDT 2011

Hi Dan,

> I created a CSV file from an export. Added all the frequencies I wanted
> and then tried importing it. This dis not work out well.
> I will attach the IMG and the CSV so you can compare the two. Maybe I
> have something entered or formatted wrong.

Yep.  Here is part of your file:

> "Location";"Name";"Frequency";"Duplex";"Offset";"Tone";"rToneFreq";"cToneFreq";"DtcsCode";"DtcsPolarity";"Mode";"TStep";"Skip";"Bank";"Bank Index";"URCALL";"RPT1CALL";"RPT2CALL"
> 1;"Nat Simplex 2M";146.52;"(NONE)";0;"(NONE)";88.5;88.5;23;"NN";"FM";5;;;-1;;;
> 2;"Nat Simplex 70cm";446;"(NONE)";0;"(NONE)";88.5;88.5;23;"NN";"FM";5;;;-1;;;
> 3;"ORR N7PIR";440.45;"+";5;"Tone";103.5;103.5;23;"NN";"FM";5;;;-1;;;
> 4;"Portland K7RPT";147.04;"+";0.6;"(NONE)";100;100;33;"NN";"FM";5;;;-1;;;

First, it's not comma-separated, it's semicolon-separated.  Second, the 
columns are quoted. Third, the "(NONE)" columns should be just blank.

Some people get confused into thinking that CSV is a strict format and 
that anything they save out of a spreadsheet as "CSV" will work, but 
that's not the case :)

Hope that helps...

Dan Smith

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