[chirp_users] CVS conversion

Sat Mar 12 02:21:18 PST 2011

Ok, I've updated to latest chirp version and I've corrected errors on CSV file.

Only 2 questions:
1) why you don't import UR RPT1 RPT2 fields?
2) is there a way to "merge" *.img memories tab with the brand new CSV generic 
memories tab????

73s de Leo IZ5FSA

PS: on IC2820 my tests are all ok.

Il 12/03/2011 06:16, Dan Smith ha scritto:
>> I've created my own CSV file... but CHIRP don't seems to understand...
>> open file or import from file don't make anything!
> When I try to open that file, it shows an error that on line 5, "520" is
> not a valid DTCS code.  Do you see that?

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