[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #123: Unable to import from .csv

CHIRP Tracker
Mon Jun 20 19:10:49 PDT 2011

#123: Unable to import from .csv
 Reporter:  anonymous  |        Type:  Bug          
   Status:  new        |    Priority:  Stability    
Milestone:             |   Component:  Import/Export
  Version:  0.1.11     |    Keywords:  .csv         
 Platform:  Windows    |  
 I created a .csv which appears to read in correctly, but the checkboxes on
 the import diaglog box cannot be checked and the text is greyed out.  The
 .csv is attached to ticket.  I cannot see a problem studying the import
 file and this method worked on v0.1.9.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac/ticket/123>
CHIRP <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac>
CHIRP Development

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