[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #121: Name field not transferred from KG-UV2D

CHIRP Tracker
Thu Jun 16 08:06:06 PDT 2011

#121: Name field not transferred from KG-UV2D
 Reporter:  kc2tcm@…                 |        Type:  Bug          
   Status:  new                      |    Priority:  Functionality
Milestone:                           |   Component:  Memory Editor
  Version:  0.1.11                   |    Keywords:               
 Platform:  Windows                  |  
 Using daily build 06152011 (and tried on 06132011) the Name field is not
 read from the radio, the fields are just blank.

 Tried on 2 different pc's, 1 with USB-serial adapter, the other with a
 real serial port.

 Windows XP SP3 Home (real serial) and Pro (usb-serial).

 73, Jay KC2TCM

Ticket URL: <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac/ticket/121>
CHIRP <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac>
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