[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #102: Unable to load schema on 2nd chirp (xml) export.

CHIRP Tracker
Sat Apr 30 14:34:27 PDT 2011

#102: Unable to load schema on 2nd chirp (xml) export.
  Reporter:  Robert Terzi <rct+chirp@…>        |       Owner:     
      Type:  Bug                               |      Status:  new
  Priority:  Stability                         |   Milestone:     
 Component:  Memory Editor                     |     Version:     
Resolution:                                    |    Keywords:     
  Platform:  Linux                             |  

Comment (by Robert Terzi <rct+chirp@…>):

 Ok, more info, the different cases are showing up depending on whether I'm
 trying to overwrite an existing file or not.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac/ticket/102#comment:1>
CHIRP <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac>
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