[chirp_users] [CHIRP] #91: Kenwood tm-v71 identifies, then Chirp freezes...

CHIRP Tracker
Mon Apr 25 08:19:17 PDT 2011

#91: Kenwood tm-v71 identifies, then Chirp freezes...
  Reporter:  psharmor@…          |       Owner:  kk7ds               
      Type:  Bug                 |      Status:  accepted            
  Priority:  Functionality       |   Milestone:                      
 Component:  Memory Editor       |     Version:  0.1.9               
Resolution:                      |    Keywords:  kenwood tm-v71 tmv71
  Platform:  Linux               |  

Comment (by anonymous):

 Replying to [comment:1 kk7ds]:
 > Hmm, that's strange.  It looks like maybe CHIRP isn't recognizing that
 it got a reply from the radio and moving on to the next baud rate.  I
 tested this not to long ago, but I'll be in a spot to try it again tonight
 so maybe I'll see if I can do that.
 > I recently moved the V71 to using the live-mode driver along with the
 D710.  Could you try the last beta before the current release (0.1.11b7)
 to see if it behaves properly in clone mode?  You can get it here:
 >   http://chirp.danplanet.com/download/beta/
 > That will be a useful data point.
 > Thanks!

 Unfortunately, no change.  This may have been the version I was already
 running, although the tar.gz did NOT have the b7 in title (I just
 discovered your software 2-3 days ago, and excited as all get out!!).

 Thank you for the quick response, and hopefully, I'll be able to help ya'
 with troubleshooting!

Ticket URL: <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/trac/ticket/91#comment:2>
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