[chirp_users] CHIRP 0.1.8b5

David Tilson
Wed Dec 3 16:40:36 PST 2008

G'day Dan,

> > More important was the issue that the Bank was
> > not being written to the CSV file.
> Okay, I'm confused.  I've been really busy lately, and so my 
> attention to this has been spotty at best, which might be why 
> I'm having trouble maintaining context.

No probs, we all get busy at times.
> When I export to a CSV file from my 92, I get a bank number 
> and bank index.  The number is 0 for A, 3 for D, etc.  The 
> bank index is also a number and is 0 if not set.

OK, I've narrowed the problem down.  If I enter any Bank letter, other
than "A", then it saves a numeric digit in the Bank field in the CSV
file, as per your description.  However, when I enter Bank "A" into a
memory, it writes nothing to the Bank field.  I had originally only
tried Bank "A".

> Are you not seeing this behavior?  Perhaps the numeric bank 
> designation is confusing?  I suppose I could make it 
> translate between letters and numbers on export/import...

I think it would be a lot neater if you could translate it to letters,
rather than numbers, so that the appearance is consistant.

Hope this helps...



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