[chirp_devel] [PATCH] Driver for TG-UV2+ (and probably TG-UV2)

Ran Katz
Tue Feb 8 14:55:20 PST 2022

# HG changeset patch
# User Ran Katz <rankatz at gmai.com>
# Date 1644360111 -7200
#      Wed Feb 09 00:41:51 2022 +0200
# Node ID 7cfb9fdcbb21c14217859e5ac61e42f99c157b05
# Parent  164528caafdcef4cc871bdced922ca7985c71ec1
Driver for TG-UV2+ (and probably TG-UV2)
See Issues #8591 and #177
Tested on TG-UV2+ , however teh code base (a 'C' utility) was developed a decade ago for the TG-UV2,
and I could not find any differences.

user: Ran Katz <rankatz at gmai.com>
branch 'default'
added chirp/drivers/tg_uv2p.py
added tests/images/Quansheng_TG-UV2+.img

diff --git a/chirp/drivers/tg_uv2p.py b/chirp/drivers/tg_uv2p.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chirp/drivers/tg_uv2p.py
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+# Copyright 2013 Dan Smith <dsmith at danplanet.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This driver was derived from the:
+# Quansheng TG-UV2 Utility by Mike Nix <mnix at wanm.com.au>
+# (So thanks Mike!)
+import struct
+import logging
+from chirp import chirp_common, directory, bitwise, memmap, errors, util
+from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \
+                RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \
+                RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueString, \
+                RadioSettingValueFloat, RadioSettings
+from textwrap import dedent
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+mem_format = """
+struct memory {
+  bbcd freq[4];
+  bbcd offset[4];
+  u8 rxtone;
+  u8 txtone;
+  u8 unknown1:2,
+     txtmode:2,
+     unknown2:2,
+     rxtmode:2;
+  u8 duplex;
+  u8 unknown3:3,
+     isnarrow:1,
+     unknown4:2,
+     not_scramble:1,
+     not_revfreq:1;
+  u8 flag3;
+  u8 step;
+  u8 power;
+struct bandflag {
+    u8 scanadd:1,
+        unknown1:3,
+        band:4;
+struct tguv2_config {
+    u8 unknown1;
+    u8 squelch;
+    u8 time_out_timer;
+    u8 priority_channel;
+    u8 unknown2:7,
+        keyunlocked:1;
+    u8 busy_lockout;
+    u8 vox;
+    u8 unknown3;
+    u8 beep_tone_disabled;
+    u8 display;
+    u8 step;
+    u8 unknown4;
+    u8 unknown5;
+    u8 rxmode;
+    u8 unknown6:7,
+        no_end_tone:1;
+    u8 vfo_model;
+struct vfo {
+    u8 current; 
+    u8 chan;    
+    u8 memno;
+struct name {
+  u8 name[6];
+  u8 unknown1[10];
+#seekto 0x0000;
+char ident[32];
+u8 blank[16];
+struct memory channels[200];
+struct memory bands[5];
+#seekto 0x0D30;
+struct bandflag bandflags[200];
+#seekto 0x0E30;
+struct tguv2_config settings;
+struct vfo vfos[2];
+u8 unk5; 
+u8 reserved2[9];
+u8 band_restrict;	
+u8 txen350390;	
+#seekto 0x0F30;
+struct name names[200];
+def do_ident(radio):
+    radio.pipe.timeout = 3
+    radio.pipe.write("\x02PnOGdAM")
+    for x in xrange(10):
+        ack = radio.pipe.read(1)
+        if ack == '\x06':
+            break
+    else:
+        raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not ack programming mode")
+    radio.pipe.write("\x40\x02")
+    ident = radio.pipe.read(8)
+    LOG.debug(util.hexprint(ident))
+    if not ident.startswith('P5555'):
+        raise errors.RadioError("Unsupported model")
+    radio.pipe.write("\x06")
+    ack = radio.pipe.read(1)
+    if ack != "\x06":
+        raise errors.RadioError("Radio did not ack ident")
+def do_status(radio, direction, addr):
+    status = chirp_common.Status()
+    status.msg = "Cloning %s radio" % direction
+    status.cur = addr
+    status.max = 0x2000
+    radio.status_fn(status)
+def do_download(radio):
+    do_ident(radio)
+    data = "TG-UV2+ Radio Program Data v1.0\x00"
+    data += ("\x00" * 16)
+    firstack = None
+    for i in range(0, 0x2000, 8):
+        frame = struct.pack(">cHB", "R", i, 8)
+        radio.pipe.write(frame)
+        result = radio.pipe.read(12)
+        if not (result[0]=="W" and frame[1:4]==result[1:4]):
+            LOG.debug(util.hexprint(result))
+            raise errors.RadioError("Invalid response for address 0x%04x" % i)
+        radio.pipe.write("\x06")
+        ack = radio.pipe.read(1)
+        if not firstack:
+            firstack = ack
+        else:
+            if not ack == firstack:
+                LOG.debug("first ack: %s ack received: %s",
+                          util.hexprint(firstack), util.hexprint(ack))
+                raise errors.RadioError("Unexpected response")
+        data += result[4:]
+        do_status(radio, "from", i)
+    return memmap.MemoryMap(data)
+def do_upload(radio):
+    do_ident(radio)
+    data = radio._mmap[0x0030:]
+    for i in range(0, 0x2000, 8):
+        frame = struct.pack(">cHB", "W", i, 8)
+        frame += data[i:i + 8]
+        radio.pipe.write(frame)
+        ack = radio.pipe.read(1)
+        if ack != "\x06":
+            LOG.debug("Radio NAK'd block at address 0x%04x" % i)
+            raise errors.RadioError(
+                    "Radio NAK'd block at address 0x%04x" % i)
+        LOG.debug("Radio ACK'd block at address 0x%04x" % i)
+        do_status(radio, "to", i)
+DUPLEX = ["", "+", "-"]
+TGUV2P_STEPS = [5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100,]
+POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=10),
+				chirp_common.PowerLevel("Med", watts=5),
+                chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=1)]
+POWER_LEVELS_STR = ["High", "Med", "Low"]
+VALID_BANDS = [(88000000, 108000000),
+               (136000000, 174000000),
+               (350000000, 390000000),
+               (400000000, 470000000),
+               (470000000, 520000000)]
+ at directory.register
+class QuanshengTGUV2P(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio,
+                  chirp_common.ExperimentalRadio):
+    """Quansheng TG-UV2+"""
+    VENDOR = "Quansheng"
+    MODEL = "TG-UV2+"
+    BAUD_RATE = 9600
+    _memsize = 0x2000
+    @classmethod
+    def get_prompts(cls):
+        rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
+        rp.experimental = \
+            ('Experimental version for TG-UV2/2+ radios '
+             'Proceed at your own risk!')
+        rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
+            1. Turn radio off.
+            2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector.
+            3. Make sure connector is firmly connected.
+            4. Turn radio on.
+            5. Ensure that the radio is tuned to channel with no activity.
+            6. Click OK to download image from device."""))
+        rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
+            1. Turn radio off.
+            2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector.
+            3. Make sure connector is firmly connected.
+            4. Turn radio on.
+            5. Ensure that the radio is tuned to channel with no activity.
+            6. Click OK to upload image to device."""))
+        return rp
+    def get_features(self):
+        rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures()
+        rf.has_settings = True
+        rf.has_cross = True
+        rf.has_rx_dtcs = True
+        rf.has_dtcs_polarity = True
+        rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"]
+        rf.valid_cross_modes = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS", "DTCS->Tone",
+                                "->Tone", "->DTCS", "DTCS->", "DTCS->DTCS"]
+        rf.valid_duplexes = DUPLEX
+        rf.can_odd_split = False
+        rf.valid_skips = ["", "S"]
+        rf.valid_characters = CHARSET
+        rf.valid_name_length = 6
+        rf.valid_tuning_steps = TGUV2P_STEPS
+        rf.valid_bands = VALID_BANDS
+        rf.valid_modes = ["FM", "NFM"]
+        rf.valid_power_levels = POWER_LEVELS
+        rf.has_ctone = True
+        rf.has_bank = False
+        rf.has_tuning_step = True
+        rf.memory_bounds = (1, 200)
+        return rf
+    def sync_in(self):
+        try:
+            self._mmap = do_download(self)
+        except errors.RadioError:
+            raise
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
+        self.process_mmap()
+    def sync_out(self):
+        try:
+            do_upload(self)
+        except errors.RadioError:
+            raise
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
+    def process_mmap(self):
+        self._memobj = bitwise.parse(mem_format, self._mmap)
+    def get_raw_memory(self, number):
+        return repr(self._memobj.channels[number - 1])
+    def _decode_tone(self, _mem, which):
+        def _get(field):
+            return getattr(_mem, "%s%s" % (which, field))
+        value = _get('tone')
+        tmode = _get('tmode')
+        if (value <= 104) and (tmode <= 3):
+            if tmode == 0:
+                mode = val = pol = None
+            elif tmode == 1:
+                mode = 'Tone'
+                val = chirp_common.TONES[value]
+                pol = None
+            else:
+                mode = 'DTCS'
+                val = chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[value]
+                pol = "N" if (tmode == 2) else "R"
+        else:
+            mode = val = pol = None
+        return mode, val, pol
+    def _encode_tone(self, _mem, which, mode, val, pol):
+        def _set(field, value):
+            setattr(_mem, "%s%s" % (which, field), value)
+        if (mode == "Tone"):
+            _set("tone", chirp_common.TONES.index(val))
+            _set("tmode", 0x01)
+        elif mode == "DTCS":
+            _set("tone", chirp_common.DTCS_CODES.index(val))
+            if pol == "N":
+                _set("tmode", 0x02)
+            else:
+                _set("tmode", 0x03)
+        else:
+            _set("tone", 0)
+            _set("tmode", 0)
+    def _get_memobjs(self, number):
+        if isinstance(number, str):
+            return (getattr(self._memobj, number.lower()), None)
+        else:
+            return (self._memobj.channels[number - 1],
+                    self._memobj.bandflags[number -1],
+                    self._memobj.names[number - 1].name)
+    def get_memory(self, number):
+        _mem, _bf, _nam = self._get_memobjs(number)
+        mem = chirp_common.Memory()
+        if isinstance(number, str):
+            mem.extd_number = number
+        else:
+            mem.number = number
+        if (_mem.freq.get_raw()[0] == "\xFF") or (_bf.band == "\x0F"):
+            mem.empty = True
+            return mem
+        mem.freq = int(_mem.freq) * 10
+        if _mem.offset.get_raw()[0] == "\xFF" :
+            mem.offset = 0
+        else:
+            mem.offset = int(_mem.offset) * 10
+        chirp_common.split_tone_decode(
+            mem,
+            self._decode_tone(_mem, "tx"),
+            self._decode_tone(_mem, "rx"))
+        if 'step' in _mem and _mem.step > len(TGUV2P_STEPS):
+            _mem.step = 0x00
+        mem.tuning_step = TGUV2P_STEPS[_mem.step]
+        mem.duplex = DUPLEX[_mem.duplex]
+        mem.mode = _mem.isnarrow and "NFM" or "FM"
+        mem.skip = "" if bool(_bf.scanadd) else "S"
+        mem.power = POWER_LEVELS[_mem.power]
+        if _nam:
+            for char in _nam:
+                try:
+                    mem.name += CHARSET[char]
+                except IndexError:
+                    break
+            mem.name = mem.name.rstrip()
+        mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra")
+        rs = RadioSetting("not_scramble", "(not)SCRAMBLE",
+                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.not_scramble))
+        mem.extra.append(rs)
+        rs = RadioSetting("not_revfreq", "(not)Reverse Duplex",
+                        RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.not_revfreq))
+        mem.extra.append(rs)
+        return mem
+    def set_memory(self, mem):
+        _mem, _bf, _nam = self._get_memobjs(mem.number)
+        _bf.set_raw("\xFF")
+        if mem.empty:
+            _mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 16)
+            return
+        #if _mem.get_raw() == ("\xFF" * 16):
+        _mem.set_raw("\x00" * 12 + "\xFF" * 2 + "\x00"*2)
+        _bf.scanadd = int(mem.skip != "S")
+        _bf.band = 0x0F
+        for idx, ele in enumerate(VALID_BANDS):
+            if mem.freq >= ele[0] and mem.freq <= ele[1]:
+                _bf.band = idx
+        _mem.freq = mem.freq / 10
+        _mem.offset = mem.offset / 10
+        tx, rx = chirp_common.split_tone_encode(mem)
+        self._encode_tone(_mem, 'tx', *tx)
+        self._encode_tone(_mem, 'rx', *rx)
+        _mem.duplex = DUPLEX.index(mem.duplex)
+        _mem.isnarrow = mem.mode == "NFM"
+        _mem.step = TGUV2P_STEPS.index(mem.tuning_step)
+        if mem.power == None :
+            _mem.power = 0
+        else:
+            _mem.power = POWER_LEVELS.index(mem.power)
+        if _nam:
+            for i in range(0, 6):
+                try:
+                    _nam[i] = CHARSET.index(mem.name[i])
+                except IndexError:
+                    _nam[i] = 0xFF
+        for setting in mem.extra:
+            setattr(_mem, setting.get_name(), setting.value)
+    def get_settings(self):
+        _settings = self._memobj.settings
+        _vfoa = self._memobj.vfos[0]
+        _vfob = self._memobj.vfos[1]
+        _bandsettings = self._memobj.bands
+        cfg_grp = RadioSettingGroup("cfg_grp", "Configuration")
+        vfoa_grp = RadioSettingGroup("vfoa_grp", "VFO A Settings")
+        vfob_grp = RadioSettingGroup("vfob_grp", "VFO B Settings")
+        group = RadioSettings(cfg_grp, vfoa_grp, vfob_grp)
+        #
+        # Configuration Settings
+        #
+        options = ["Off"] + ["%s min" % x for x in range(1, 10)]
+        rs = RadioSetting("timeout", "Time Out Timer",
+                          RadioSettingValueList(
+                              options, options[_settings.time_out_timer]))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        options = ["Frequency", "Channel", "Name"]
+        rs = RadioSetting("isplay", "Channel Display Moe",
+                          RadioSettingValueList(
+                              options, options[_settings.display]))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        rs = RadioSetting("squelch", "Squelch Level",
+                          RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, _settings.squelch))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        if _settings.vox == 0:
+            rs = RadioSetting("vox", "VOX",
+                              RadioSettingValueString(0,10,"Off"))
+            cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        else:
+            rs = RadioSetting("vox", "VOX Level",
+                              RadioSettingValueInteger(1, 9, _settings.vox))
+            cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        rs = RadioSetting("beep_tone_disabled", "Beep Prompt",
+                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(
+                               not _settings.beep_tone_disabled))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        options = ["Dual Watch", "CrossBand", "Normal"]
+        if _settings.rxmode >=2:
+            _rxmode = 2
+        else:
+            _rxmode = _settings.rxmode
+        rs = RadioSetting("RX mode", "Dual Watch/CrossBand Monitor",
+                          RadioSettingValueList(
+                            options, options[_rxmode]))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        rs = RadioSetting("bcl", "Busy Channel Lock",
+                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(
+                             not _settings.busy_lockout))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        rs = RadioSetting("keylock", "Keypad Lock",
+                          RadioSettingValueBoolean(
+                              not _settings.keyunlocked))
+        cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        if _settings.priority_channel >= 200:
+            rs = RadioSetting("pri_ch", "Priority Channel",
+                              RadioSettingValueString(0,10,"Not Set"))
+            cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        else:
+            rs = RadioSetting("pri_ch", "Priority Channel",
+                              RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 199, _settings.priority_channel))
+            cfg_grp.append(rs)
+        #
+        # VFO Settings
+        #
+        vfo_groups = [vfoa_grp, vfob_grp]
+        vfo_mem = [_vfoa, _vfob]
+        vfo_lower = ["vfoa", "vfob"]
+        vfo_upper = ["VFOA", "VFOB"]
+        for idx,vfo_group in enumerate(vfo_groups):
+            options = ["Channel", "Frequency"]
+            tempvar = 0 if (vfo_mem[idx].current < 200) else 1
+            rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_mode", vfo_upper[idx]+" Mode",
+                              RadioSettingValueList(
+                                  options, options[tempvar]))
+            vfo_group.append(rs)
+            if tempvar == 0:
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_ch", vfo_upper[idx]+" Channel",
+                                  RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 199, vfo_mem[idx].current))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+            else:
+                band_num = vfo_mem[idx].current - 200
+                freq = int(_bandsettings[band_num].freq) * 10
+                offset = int(_bandsettings[band_num].offset) * 10
+                txtmode = _bandsettings[band_num].txtmode
+                rxtmode = _bandsettings[band_num].rxtmode
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_freq", vfo_upper[idx]+" Frequency",
+                                  RadioSettingValueFloat(0.0, 520.0, freq / 1000000.0, precision=6))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                if offset > 70e6:
+                    offset = 0
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_offset", vfo_upper[idx]+" Offset",
+                                  RadioSettingValueFloat(0.0, 69.995, offset / 100000.0, resolution= 0.005))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_duplex", vfo_upper[idx]+" Shift",
+                                  RadioSettingValueList(
+                                      DUPLEX, DUPLEX[_bandsettings[band_num].duplex]))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_step", vfo_upper[idx]+" Step",
+                                  RadioSettingValueFloat(
+                                      0.0, 1000.0, TGUV2P_STEPS[_bandsettings[band_num].step], resolution=0.25))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_pwr", vfo_upper[idx]+" Power",
+                                  RadioSettingValueList(
+                                      POWER_LEVELS_STR, POWER_LEVELS_STR[_bandsettings[band_num].power]))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                options = ["None", "Tone", "DTCS-N", "DTCS-I"]
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_ttmode", vfo_upper[idx]+" TX tone mode",
+                                  RadioSettingValueList( options, options[txtmode]))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                if txtmode == 1:
+                    rs =  RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_ttone", vfo_upper[idx]+" TX tone",
+                                       RadioSettingValueFloat(
+                                           0.0, 1000.0, chirp_common.TONES[_bandsettings[band_num].txtone], resolution=0.1))
+                    vfo_group.append(rs)
+                elif txtmode >= 2:
+                    txtone = _bandsettings[band_num].txtone
+                    rs =  RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_tdtcs", vfo_upper[idx]+" TX DTCS",
+                                       RadioSettingValueInteger(
+                                           0, 1000, chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[txtone]))
+                    vfo_group.append(rs)
+                options = ["None", "Tone", "DTCS-N", "DTCS-I" ]
+                rs = RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_rtmode", vfo_upper[idx]+" RX tone mode",
+                                  RadioSettingValueList( options, options[rxtmode]))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+                if rxtmode == 1:
+                    rs =  RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_rtone", vfo_upper[idx]+" RX tone",
+                                       RadioSettingValueFloat(
+                                           0.0, 1000.0, chirp_common.TONES[_bandsettings[band_num].rxtone], resolution=0.1))
+                    vfo_group.append(rs)
+                elif rxtmode >= 2:
+                    rxtone = _bandsettings[band_num].rxtone
+                    rs =  RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_rdtcs", vfo_upper[idx]+" TX rTCS",
+                                       RadioSettingValueInteger(
+                                           0, 1000, chirp_common.DTCS_CODES[rxtone]))
+                    vfo_group.append(rs)
+                options = ["FM", "NFM"]
+                rs =  RadioSetting(vfo_lower[idx]+"_fm", vfo_upper[idx]+" FM BW ",
+                                   RadioSettingValueList(
+                                       options, options[_bandsettings[band_num].isnarrow]))
+                vfo_group.append(rs)
+        return group
+    @classmethod
+    def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
+        return (filedata.startswith("TG-UV2+ Radio Program Data") and
+                len(filedata) == (cls._memsize + 0x30))
diff --git a/tests/images/Quansheng_TG-UV2+.img b/tests/images/Quansheng_TG-UV2+.img
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71ed9aaf9a7e7f7e2b8f6846469f0a3b4d12fc22
GIT binary patch
literal 8417
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