[chirp_devel] [PATCH] [tg_uv2p] Inhibit keypad lock when in dual watch or crossmode. Fixes forth issue in #9939

Dan Smith
Fri Aug 12 07:19:13 PDT 2022

> Ideally I would like to reject it at the user (UI) level - is it possible to have co-dependent setting values, i.e. keypad lock has 2 possible values ("locked", "unlocked") if rx_mode is "normal" (not DW) and only "unlocked" if rx mode is not "normal", and similarly  for rx_mode ("normal", "cross mode" and "DualWatch"  when keypad is unlocked and only"normal" when teh keypad is locked)?

Well, like I say, if you're setting the dual-watch setting to on, you can raise an exception. So, if that setting is being set on, quickly check the keypad lock thing and raise if it's on. Same for the other - don't let the keypad lock be set if dual-watch is enabled. That has the same effect as tying them together in the UI, right?

If I'm misremembering how well that would work, then I'd say we just need to not obsess over that level of detail. Keeping the UI driver-independent is important and, of course, not all things can be represented in an abstraction.


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